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Rubin • Edited

Thanks Ben for the continuous updates.Anyone want to help me out with this one

GitHub logo rubiin / nestjs-easyconfig

Manage configs on the go 🔥

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Nestjs-easyconfig loads configs from your .env (Wraps dotenv module) ⚙️ 🔥


$ npm install nestjs-easyconfig
$ yarn add nestjs-easyconfig


With config file supplied (basic):

import  { Module }  from  '@nestjs/common'
import { EasyconfigModule } from  'nestjs-easyconfig'
 imports:  [EasyconfigModule.register({path: './config/.env'})]
export  class  AppModule  {}

With config file supplied and safe set to true:

import  { Module }  from  '@nestjs/common';
import { EasyconfigModule } from  'nestjs-easyconfig';

 imports:  [EasyconfigModule.register({path: './config/.env', safe: true})],
export  class  AppModule  {}

By default safe is set to false. When safe is set to true, the module compares the supplied env file with the sample env file to find missing keys. If any keys…