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Discussion on: Why Event Sourcing is a microservice communication anti-pattern

savaki profile image
Matt Ho • Edited

The argument you're making, as I understand it, seems to fall along these lines:

  1. Event Sourcing is a persistence solution
  2. Publishing the Event Sourcing event is akin to publishing your database and therefore an anti-pattern
  3. Instead, if you want to publish events, use alternative X or Y

Based on my experiences with Event Sourcing, I think we may disagree on a few things.

(1) On Event Sourcing being a persistence solution. I don't know if I would agree with this. Instead, I would suggest that Event Sourcing is a set of practices which begins with domain modeling and includes persistence, but is not solely persistence. If you ignore the DDD and modeling elements of Event Sourcing, then I think much of the value is lost.

This really leads to the next issue.

(2) Publishing Event Sourcing is akin to publishing your database. I read the reference article you provided on Domain Events vs Event Sourcing. When I look at the examples the author gives, the Event Sourcing events are named MobileNumberProvided, VerificationCodeGenerated, MobileNumberValidated. While these are technically "events", I would argue this is missing the point of Event Sourcing and are an anti-pattern. Let's call this technique Property Sourcing. Property Sourcing is not Event Sourcing. And if a team is using Property Sourcing, I'll absolutely agree that these events should not be published.

YMMV, from my experience with Event Sourcing, what should be persisted are true domain events like OrderAccepted from your example.

And since these are true domain events, I would expect that from within the BoundedContext, that no other name for OrderAccepted would be used e.g. ubiquitous language. So whether I'm using event sourcing or not, the code within the Bounded Context will be using these events to communicate. However, since I'm already writing these events, combing this with Event Sourcing is often very natural.

Which leads into the last point.

(3) Instead of publishing Event Sourcing events, publish X or Y instead. This may be semantics, but if you accept for a moment that Event Sourcing Events == Domain Events, then are many valid reasons that you may want to publish them as is: (a) analytics teams who want data in the streaming format that event sourcing provides, (b) security teams that may want to perform time critical operations on the data, and perhaps (c) even other micro services that have requirements for a high level of granularity. So saying publishing Domain Events is an anti-pattern probably goes too far. It depends.

Finally, as you point out, there are also many cases where a translation would be appropriate in which case generating Integration Events like those you've described would also be acceptable.

So while I think a number of the points you're making are valid, it sounds to me as if your assumptions are leading you to believe Event Sourcing is an anti pattern when in reality it's quite a useful pattern when applied appropriately.

olibutzki profile image
Oliver Libutzki

Thanks for your valuable comment. I don't want to discredit Event Sourcing in general. I just want to point out that it's not a silver bullet and should be used with care.

You are absolutely right that Event Sourcing is more than persistence as it utilizes you in thinking about behaviour instead of data. Nevertheless it defines a way how to persist your application state.

In practice it's often required to be able to fix a typo. In an event sourced scenario you need to declare a corresponding event as it's not possible to persist the change otherwise.

The fix might be interesting for other bounded context, so you have to expose the change via an external event, but there is a change that some internal data is fixed and the other contexts don't need to know about it at all.

Anyway, I agree with you that Event Sourcing systems fail because people just use events without reflecting behaviour. They just trabsfer the CRUD mindset into events (OrderCreated, OrderUpdated, OrderDeleted).

savaki profile image
Matt Ho

I completely agree that having to fix already posted events is a pain. However, there are a few techniques that will typically offset this pain:

  1. Use a serialization format that supports schema migration. I most often use protobuf, but avro is another good choice. This would take care of your typo issue without having to modifying any of the existing events.

  2. Ensure that event includes just the facts and not derived information. For example, I might have a domain event Deposit which would includes the property, Amount. This is a nice fact that everyone can agree upon.

I could potentially include a Balance field in the Deposit event to indicate the balance after the deposit has been made, but because Balance is a derived value (the sum of all Deposits and Withdrawals), it's often subject to re-interpretation which might cause me to have to republish the event.

By sticking to facts, I find it greatly reduces my need to have to modify events. And most modifications for me are because my understanding of the domain has improved.

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flolu profile image

Matt, you mentioned that you use protobuf (or other serialization formats).
I have a small question about it:

Suppose you choose to publish domain events to the "whole system". Maybe for analytics or security features... I just want to clarify: would that mean, that both the event publisher and all the event consumers need to know the schema? (For encoding and decoding the buffer)

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savaki profile image
Matt Ho

That's right. It would require you to maintain a schema registry somewhere either in code or as a service, but that's really no different from any other api.