DEV Community

Discussion on: How I made Xper - A RealTime Code Deployer and Code Editor

schoon profile image
Dan Schoonmaker

This looks really cool, awesome work!

I'm reading on my phone, so it's hard for me to tell, does Ace.js allow you to transpile more complex Javascript using something like Babel? Or is this just for basic Javascript/HTML/CSS?

jaagrav profile image

Not really, I had to make changes to AceJS' code in order to have some features/text highlighting which were not predefined even while writing code in VanillaJS and that I know sucks but I think AceJS is the best to create something for beginners... I am working on a Code Editor rn... I have to make a lot of changes to the library in order to make it feel better and smoother. Check out, write some code, you'll understand what I am really talking about... Visit on Desktop though, also it's not something that I made, Haxzie made it.