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Discussion on: Is Anyone Else Developing on Windows with WSL2?

scroung720 profile image
scroung720 • Edited

For me, there are some ups and downs:
-You can use Linux bash inside windows!!!
-You can install video games easily on your computer, comparing this situation with install on ubuntu very often I found that Ubuntu can't unleash all the power of my Nvidia GPU.
-It is easier to install general-purpose programs.
-You don't need to hack your laptop. It is highly probable that your laptop is designed to be used with windows.
-You can mix native windows applications with the ubuntu command line. I have installed Photoshop. You can use bash Linux inside VS code.
-There are some programs with GUI that you can't use out of the box there is a way to render those in windows but I haven't done that yet. For example, I was learning electron and it didn't work. The reason was that I was using my VS Code in WSL mode
-I have found troubles connecting databases.
-I wish I could use bash Linux for all folders by default.
-If you install extensions on VS Code WSL are not automatically install on VS Code Windows this sucks. So you need to sync them.