DEV Community

Discussion on: Redux VS React Context: Which one should you choose?

seanmclem profile image

Could you elaborate on how using a reducer, a switch statement and a string-action called "ADD_ARTICLE", and returning the logic you want from that string-match -is easier than putting that code into an addArticle() function inside your context. I mean no offense to your method -I just see it all the time and I wonder what benefit it offers. Thanks

ibrahima92 profile image
Ibrahima Ndaw

The reason why this approach is common is the fact that it's much cleaner. And as your react app grows, it will be easier to maintain your code. Imagine we have "ADD_ARTICLE", "REMOVE_ARTICLE", "UPDATE_ARTICLE", "ADD_ITEM", "REMOVE_ITEM" etc. you can use an if else block to check the action type, but in my opinion a switch statement is much more readable and cleaner. In that way separate your context from your reducer make sense. However, you're not restricted to follow this approach. You can do whatever you like. Thanks again for your comment.