DEV Community

Discussion on: Convince me that types are awesome

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Shi Ling

I used to cringe at JavaScript for the lack of types because I feel unsafe, but then after years of using JavaScript, I've grown pretty comfortable with it and just know where I needed to do type checks and coercion. Now, I cringe at how slow I work with Typed languages because of the additional mental effort to think about the type of every variable and the compilation time. But really, I've just gotten really spoilt, because the extra mental effort and time waiting for compilation is not significant really.

The thing I came to realise about why I would pick Typed languages is to make it easier to work with junior developers. I used to feel unsafe with JavaScript and now I feel comfortable with it, and the reason is simply because of experience from making all sorts of mistakes before. I find myself frequently pointing out to junior devs now where they have missed a potential type error and need to add type checks and/or type coercions when working with JavaScript. At the end of the day, I think Typed Languages have better developer experience. Plus, I really rather a machine tell me that I have made a silly mistake than having wasted the time of a colleague pointing it out to me later on.