DEV Community

Discussion on: The "Elitist Developer" Debacle

therealkhitty profile image
Mary Thompson

It is real in the professional realm.

I am so over the which language is better debate. We've had new hires complain about VB.NET (what we mainly use at work) when it's really no different than C#.NET especially for the type of work we do. After a few years, they came to love VB.NET, lol.

We've had a few elitist who have not lasted long at our company. Our work was too far "beneath" them or they found senior devs to be inadequate. There's a place for elitism somewhere for them, but I find the humble mentor to be more useful.

badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻

Yeah, I agree it should always boil down a mixture of what's best for job at hand and what the team as a whole is most comfortable with. That said, to be completely and utterly honest, I'm kind of glad I no longer have to use haha. Its just a little too weird in places syntax wise for me personally. If works well for you and your team though, great! I certainly wouldn't shame anyone for using it. I'll also probably always have some nostalgia and fondness for it considering it was the first language that I ever properly learnt 😁.

chasimakopoulos profile image
Charalampos Asimakopoulos • Edited

Especially when it comes to .NET, the differences aren't so big - but the gap is getting bigger with each update (for example, VB.NET is not officially supported for .NET 5 as of now).

I would have no problem if VB.NET made a comeback though :)