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Discussion on: A month of Flutter: continuous linting

tiguchi profile image
Thomas Werner

I'm checking back here regularly and a couple questions crossed my mind. It's not really 100% on topic here (linting), but it's at least to do with Flutter.

Do you also have experience with React Native development?

How do they compare in your opinion, especially in terms of stability, project setup and build reliability? I dabbled a bit in React Native and I found it a bit shaky. A freshly created project would for example not build or start on an emulator without some corrections (in my case it was a faulty NPM dev dependency).

I saw that Flutter has a "doctor" tool. It looks like there's already a feature built in for fixing issues like that. Does it work well? Any similar setup and build hurdles to overcome in Flutter land?

How easy / difficult is platform-specific customization?

Are there iOS and Android-specific sub-projects that can be opened with XCode or Android Studio in order to add platform specific code? How is that bridged into Flutter application code?

Is it possible to use custom UI per platform?

I.e. material design for Android, and iOS UI for iPhone?

Is it advisable to use the same UI for both platforms?

Or does it break with user expectations? Is look and feel actually good enough to feel native?

Is the Apple App Store OK with Flutter apps?

AFAIK Flutter renders its own UI on an OpenGL ES accelerated render surface. That's great for consistency and accelerating dev time, but does Apple actually reject Flutter apps if they don't comply with Apple UI standards?

abraham profile image
Abraham Williams

There is a lot to unpack but I'll answer what I can.

React Native

I don't have any experience with RN so I can't speak to how it compares with Flutter. There are a fair amount of blog posts floating around though that attempt to do comparisons.

Platform customization

I know you can do platform specific integrations but I've not attempted them. Here are the docs

Platform UI

Yes you can have platform specific UI. Here is a codelab that has iOS and Android customize UI.

User preference of platform UI

This is a often debated topic. I see most brands moving to having their branded UI everywhere, while I see power users complaining when apps are not "platform" enough for them. I recommend siding more on building a great UI and less on being exactly platform perfect.

App Store

There are a number of Flutter apps published to the App Store so it is certainly doable to make Apple compliant apps.

sduduzog profile image

From an android platform perspective, I'd say its pretty easy and straight forward. I'm currently attempting to create a flutter pluggin that works with ndk. The limitations that I noticed are that of the platform you're developing for