DEV Community

Discussion on: What's With Negativity Against Passion?

timothydjones profile image
Tim Jones

Mike: Good post! Thanks for sharing your heart-felt thoughts on this topic. As an old (now 55!) developer, I've decided/learned that each of us has something to contribute and each is going to do it in our own way. Stop criticizing others and spend your time learning and improving. As you stated very well, practice!

For many years, I published a monthly newsletter of articles, tools, etc. that I hoped would be useful to others. Very rarely got compliments, but frequently got complaints about bias or poor judgment or the like. I wasn't doing it for glory; I did it, because it was my passion. After a while I got burned out, but just this month, I decided to revive it starting again next month. I'm going to include your post! :)

thenjdevopsguy profile image
Michael Levan

Hey Tim,

Thank you SO much for the kind words and I agree with absolutely everything you said. It's awesome that you're including this blog post on your monthly newsletter, I feel honored! Looking forward to your newsletter.