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Discussion on: Create a desktop app in Rust using Tauri and Yew

tobiaskluth profile image

Thanks for the great writeup! Excited to dip further into the topic.
As i followed along your tutorial i encountered a problem in src-tauri/src/ Defining the hello function public throws compilation error[E0255], removing the pub declaration fixes it. I'm not a 100% sure why though.

error[E0255]: the name `__cmd__hello` is defined multiple times
  --> src/
13 | #[tauri::command]
   | ----------------- previous definition of the macro `__cmd__hello` here
14 | pub fn hello (name: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
   |        ^^^^^ `__cmd__hello` reimported here
   = note: `__cmd__hello` must be defined only once in the macro namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
14 | pub fn hello as other___cmd__hello (name: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
   |        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0255`.
error: could not compile `app` due to previous error
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stevepryde profile image
Steve Pryde

I've removed the pub. Hopefully that solves the issue if anyone else is following along. I just have encountered the same thing on my travels and removed it. I guess there's no need for it to be public. It could be a bug with the proc macro or maybe it's intentional. I'm not sure.