DEV Community

Discussion on: An Example (On Environment and Learning cont.)

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tang • Edited

You are right that it's probably not an ideal book to start with, but my point isn't that programming is supposed to be easy. Rather, it's that there's some kind of set of knowledge that you need in order to even start, and that it's often not articulated very well for self-learners.

Navigating convention is different than building functionality, and it's a sort of "learning" that has nothing to do with your ability to reason, just your ability to have prerequisite knowledge, or to have someone tell you. I don't see a good reason that this should be the case.

Neither is it really that I'm even digging deeply into a topic. I have a function and I'm supposed to think about how to use it as part of a larger function. In order to do that, I need to actually understand what kinds of arguments I can pass into the function and what it will return/what side effects it will have. I am trying to illustrate some of the difficulties that arose for me when trying to work through that process.

Perhaps as I get better at this, it's something that I could take up or start to document. I just wanted to put it out into the world while I'm working through it.