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Using Pythons Match Statement in older Versions

Whats a Match Statement in Python

Python offers a new statement called "match" as of version 3.10. This is known from other programming languages under the term switch-case.
This is a selection control mechanism with which the value of a variable can be analyzed and the appropriate program can be played.

user = "admin"
match user:
    case "admin":
        print("logged in as admin")
    case "default":
        print("logged in as default")
    case _:
        print("No valid user-type")

>>> logged in as admin
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The match-case is a very lucid, short, and optimized notation to avoid if-elif-else statements. Read more about the 3.10+ version match statement here!

Implementing Match Statements in older Python versions

In older Python versions, the Switch/Match statement can also be implemented.
For this purpose, we use dictionaries for one-to-one key-value mappings.

cases = {
    "admin": lambda: print("logged in as admin"),
    "default": lambda: print("logged in as default"),
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Using this, we can use pythons build-in method get(key[,default]) to returns the value for the specified key in the dict.

get(key: Any) -> Any | None

This would return the value from our key, or None if the key is not inside the dict.
To set a default (case _: ...), we can give another param, which will be returned, when the key is not found.

get(key: Any, default: Any) -> Any

In our example the final code therefor would look something like this:

user = "admin"

cases = {
    "admin": lambda: print("logged in as admin"),
    "default": lambda: print("logged in as default"),
default = lambda: print("No valid user-type")

func = cases.get(user,default)

>>> logged in as admin
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If all statements should do the same, we of course can make this code simpler in just setting the values into the dict.

cases = {
    "admin": "logged in as admin",
    "default": "logged in as default",
default = "No valid user-type"


>>> logged in as admin
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