DEV Community

Discussion on: Write an Integration test, not a Unit test

varian97 profile image
Varian Caesar

When the deadline approaching, I agree with you that integration tests come first. But personally I think this is come with one major cost, either your integration test will become very detailed (because it tries to test things that should be tested in unit test) or your integration test not cover much use cases (because you skip the unit tests that should test various things, like edge case for that function/class/whatever).

At the end of the day, the main important thing is to also include time to create tests (both unit and integration tests) into your project deadline estimation. Nice article by the way

kondrashov profile image
Alex Kondrashov

Thanks for your feedback.

Regarding very detailed integration test: I came across this problem before. To solve it I've added a new Integration test per each use case. This helped me to keep my tests not too detailed but cover as much functionality as possible.

billie34 profile image
Billie • Edited

First, we run the unit tests. Unit tests must be present for integration tests to run. Testers validate the integration success after developers have suika game tested all components of an application.