DEV Community

Discussion on: Dev 2K

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Vuild • Edited

2010 since that post. I have a 1/2 stats posts sitting in draft (not high numbers but enough detail). I'll finish when less lazy.

I wrote a page of tips to game it too. Not sure if I pub (ben prob already has enough on). 👀 I'm not manipulating anything. 2K is real from: "constant activity" (post/comment/like/engage). Most are "day 1" (they just signed up) which means I am appearing on a suggested user list (SUL) for a while after activity. The key activity (most points in algo) is writing a post & commenting.

Always join sites at this stage in the cycle. If you join later, it's all inefficient catchup. Gold rush now (grow), relax later. That's how the 80K twitter crowd got there (a bunch do follow-unfollow & some hit the zeitgeist, like devto twit but most turned up in 08-09). My 08 accounts grow auto. My 12 not much, my 18 = worthless.

You can counter, but meh. Here now = better. The majority are real devs, from everywhere which is super nice (better than numbers is quality).