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Discussion on: React Form using Formik, Material-UI and Yup.

webarnes profile image
webarnes • Edited

I wrote a small helper to reduce the boilerplate:

const formikProps = (name, initialValue = '') => ({
    name: name,
    value: typeof values[name] !== 'undefined' ? values[name] : initialValue,
    onChange: handleChange,
    onBlur: handleBlur,
    error: touched[name] && errors[name],
    helperText: touched[name] ? errors[name] : ''
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And then use the spread operator on your components: <TextField {...formikProps('fieldName')}/>

The initial value is required to tell React it's a controlled component. The above function only works for TextFields (Checkboxes, etc, don't directly support helperText so it would need to be modified).

finallynero profile image
Nero Adaware


devorein profile image
Safwan Shaheer

I'd like to add a simple enhancement by adding error: touched[name] && Boolean(errors[name]), this will remove an error from the console