DEV Community

Discussion on: Code camp or self-learning

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I'm a huge fan of self-taught if you're capable of the discipline it takes.

I've been self-taught since I was 10-11. The best way to do it is to find what way you learn the fastest. Sometimes it's following tutorials and guides, sometimes it's copying other people's projects and deconstructing them.

I learned the basics using resources like FunkyHTMLChicken and W3Schools. I refined my skills by reading blogs of professionals in the industry (like Zeldman and A List Apart, or Coyier and CSS Tricks). It takes the foundation you learn and refines it, since places like W3Schools don't teach you best practice -- they just get your head around the concepts. It'll take a while to refine (in a way, you'll never stop...), but as long as you keep working to improve your code, you'll be fine - no one knows everything at one point in time.

I also suggest videos. I'm a huge fan of video courses. Laracasts helped me pick up some Laravel concepts, as well as other people on YouTube.

FreeCodeCamp has some great courses and videos if you're looking for a free learning platform. I think you even get a degree/certificate at the end of each course. Other site's like work well too, even if you just stick to their free courses.