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Discussion on: Juniors and overtime

yellow1912 profile image

I do overtime like, alot. Mainly because I'm the boss but also because I love my work. Do I regret that? Yes, because I think I should spend more time with family as well. Sometimes you have to make adjustments and changes and constantly try to balance things out.

Here is my take on over time: I appreciate people who are passionate about what they do. Most people just work for the money, they don't care about learning new things, perfecting their skills, etc. For them, work is just something you do to be able to "do the work you hate so you can enjoy the life you love" kind of mentality. That is fine. But if you are the boss, who do you want to promote to higher position?

I like to work with passionate people. These people keep improving themselves at incredible short amount of time. They are not satisfied with their current level and constantly seek out knowledge to grow.

Overtime is not the best indicator for that, but it is an easy-to-see kind of "evidence" for it. I think to be passionate about something is to be willingly and happily spend your time outside of paid work hours to learn, to experiment, to grow your skills. One may argue that some people do overtime because they are not productive during the working hours, or because they just want to show off to the boss. That is true. At the same time, if you do good deeds without saying so it's hard to tell right? A junior does not have to stay overtime to show his or her passion and dedication of course. They can ask questions, give opinions, contribute to internal discussion to show that they are actually actively improving their skills outside of work as well.

In short, I think it's completely normal to hate and refuse overtime (in the end it's fair to work only for the amount of compensation you get). However, if you are really passionate about your work then do spend some extra time perhaps at home to improve yourself. And do try to get noticed for your growth.

skylerdevops profile image

Thank you for sharing your opinion! I have a couple of question...

  • "I like to work with passionate people. These people keep improving themselves at incredible short amount of time. They are not satisfied with their current level and constantly seek out knowledge to grow." What makes you think that someone that consider this as a "normal job" (or at least, is closed to overtime) would not have the same opinion? ie perfecting themselves, reviewing their work to see if they could have done things better or not, ...
  • Have you compared the quality of code from a "normal job" person and a "passionate overtime" person?
yellow1912 profile image

Hello, to answer your questions:

  1. You mean people who do not work overtime are also passionate? Absolutely. As I pointed out in my answer, using overtime as an indicator is flawed. However, it's kind of an easy to see, in your face "evidence" that sadly we still rely on. That's why I mentioned that you have to proactively prove yourself.

  2. It should be clarified that when I said working overtime, it may not mean real work. It means spending the extra time either at the office or at home on work or work related knowledge. And yes those people generally have way better code quality and grow at very fast rate.

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skylerdevops profile image

Thank you for clarifying!
I thought, initially, that overtime just meant = working on company projects after your working hours. I haven't considered that reading tech articles or such during your free time could be considered as extra work... Great point!