DEV Community

Discussion on: What Do You Think About Sanctions Affecting the Software Industry?

zenulabidin profile image
Ali Sherief

It's really frustrating to be living in a country where they don't hire people living there because they consider that particular country a "security risk". I can relate, I live in Sudan, another embargoed country. I heard Github has stopped private repositories for a few embargoes countries like Iran and Syria, but fortunately not my country.

Now, related to your topic, about hiring people living in those countries, those would have been remote workers if they were to be hired. And I believe what the employers are thinking is that there is much political tension between the country they're headquartered in and those above countries, is that they may be violating a U.S. directive or restriction and they prefer not to take the risk, I am not very sure about this. It's my speculation.