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Discussion on: Didi - Help me choose a logo

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ • Edited

Here is the project if interested, I am soon to rename.

GitHub logo adam-cyclones / didi

Convert a project from common JS to ESmodules, with included bundler-like / task runner behaviour.


A bundleless bundler for JavaScript and Typescript which unpacks common.js modules into distinct ESmodules.

Who uses Didi?

Frontend developers and Deno developers.


  • setup this repo for contribution
  • create some issues
  • addreess all 'What doesnt work'
  • Make a cool video, (can do this now as the thing works enough to demonstrate the concept)
  • docs and website?
  • Branding for Unpack!

How it works:

  • TSC successfully converts all common.js to ESmodule format, js and ts should be supported but not tested both - just JavaScript.
  • A boilerplat project is output based on your input.
  • minimal gluecode is emited but needed for browsers that dont support import maps, the positive is that ESM is then supported in browsers that are to old to support this, that includes dynamic import calls!
  • A devserver is provided to test your sources.
  • a devbrowser (headless browser). is used to prune all deps that where not actually…