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Discussion on: What are you struggling with? (frontend)

andi23rosca profile image
Andi Rosca • Edited

I know it can be daunting, and what you're trying to do requires a lot of different types of knowledge that you usually pick up over time as a web dev.

I think programming is one of the things where it's helpful to have strong fundamentals, but where you only really understand what's happening when you actually roll up your sleeves and start doing stuff and getting "dirty". I think it's fine to start with a framework early on, because it'll force you to understand some things about JavaScript if you want to be able to do what you want to do.

For example, Vue and other "Reactive" frameworks will force you to understand the difference between things being passed by reference or by value in JS and how that can screw you over when your UI is not responding to some changes you're making.

You'd be surprised how stuff gets done in the "real world". Most companies don't have a full product fit yet and don't know exactly what they need to implement next. It's usually up to you to work together with a UX designer(or even alone) to figure out how a feature would look like since there's always a tradeoff between what's ideal and what's possible. So expect to always be doing this kind of problem solving, unless you land a gig at Google or Facebook, where things are probably more compartmentalized.

One concrete piece of advice that I can give is to focus on one "feature" at a time. If you're implementing something in Vue, focus on that and don't worry about architecture or other things. If you have a specific problem, don't get discouraged and think you need way more JavaScript experience and then start doing a 1 month course on JS fundamentals. Research that specific problem, and learn how JS works in that specific instance, then solve it and move on.

Anyway, if you need advice now or in the future, feel free to post more comments or PM me.

brendinv profile image
Brendin Venter

Hey Andi,

Really appreciate the long thoughtful reply and insight. What you said just clicked for me a lot with learning how the framework and JavaScript work together in different scenarios and you right.

Sometimes I did something in Vanilla JS to only then learn Vue handles it a different way for a reason I don’t yet understand which then allows me to research why the JS engine needs something done that way. Closures, classes and scope really clicked for me with Vue and JS together.

I appreciate the insight and love the problem solving aspect of the industry for sure.

I’m working towards and entry level junior position so thanks again for the support.

All the best,