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Eddah Chebet
Eddah Chebet

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JavaScript 101: Ultimate JavaScript Guide

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is a fast, flexible and powerful programming language designed to interact with webpage elements and complex web development
JavaScript has three parts in the web browsers;

  • Document Object Model; delivers interface for elements interaction on a webpage.

  • Browser Object Model; grants browser API for web browser interaction.

  • ECMAScript: offers JavaScript fundamental functionality.

JavaScript is Case Sensitive.

The semi colon ; is used to terminate JavaScript Statements.

In JavaScript, console.log () is a special object included in the browser for developers to test and debug code in the interactive terminal.

History of JavaScript

Ever wondered of “ES6” and “JavaScriptES6” meaning?
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JavaScript was introduced by NETSCAPE Communications in 1995 for programmers and web designers.

In 1996, Netscape acquiesced JavaScript to ECMA international to establish the scripting language standards. Thereafter in 1997 ECMA released ECMA-262 initial version of ECMAScript (ES) language.

ECMAScript standards grant rules on the JavaScript features and architecture and ensures consistency between new and previous JavaScript versions.

What is the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript?
JavaScript is used in creating applications or programs while ECMAScript outlines the guidelines of developing a new scripting language. ES6 is a sixth edition of ECMAScript.

ES6 is the greatest update on ECMAScript following its 1997 first edition release to aid JavaScript developers. ES6 enables programmers to write more concise code and save on developer time.

These great features include:

  1. Asynchronous action promises
  2. Classes creation
  3. Arrow functions
  4. Default value parameters
  5. let and const Keywords to declare variables.

Installation of JavaScript Source Code Editor

The JavaScript code editor has syntax indentation, autocomplete, brace matching, debugging and highlighting features.

The commonly used editors include

Java Script Hello world Program

  **Using the Console**
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Type the “Hello world” in the Console.log ()method.

console.log(‘Hello World’);
log() is used to print values to the console

A Snippet of Hello World code on the browser console

JavaScript Fundamentals

  • Data types
  • Variables
  • Methods
  • Libraries
  • Conditionals(loops)
  • Scope
  • Arrays
  • Iterators
  • Objects

Latest comments (1)

kip_vanx profile image

Good job 👏👏👏