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Let’s make life easier for autistic folks at work!

Carly Ho 🌈 on October 09, 2018

About Me My name’s Carly Ho, and I’m a Senior Engineer at Clique Studios in Chicago; I’m also an autistic adult. I was diagnosed during ...
emilywalker profile image
Emily Walker

I had no idea other neuroatypical engineers wrote READMEs (I've partially written one and I've got ADHD)! That's amazing!

In terms of challenges and accommodations, I find open plan offices a double-edged sword. Easy to get distracted by conversations with colleagues, but also easier to get help if I'm struggling with a problem and sometimes get back on track if I'm getting distracted by stuff on my laptop (like I start looking at the news or something like that).

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Hi Carly,
Nice article! I learned a lot.

Above you wrote:

If you’re sending someone a message, even if it’s just friendly conversation, lead with your intent; open-ended messages can stress people out, since they don’t know if it’s bad news, a request, or just chatter.

Could you elaborate on the idea of 'lead with your intent?'

TY ;))

carlymho profile image
Carly Ho 🌈

Hey there!

I get a lot of well meaning chat messages/DMs that open with something like just “hey” or “sup carly” or (the worst:) “can we talk” and those messages trigger this knee-jerk terror response.

I know some folks use chat like they’re talking out loud, but I’d much prefer to know what a convo is about ASAP—so saying something like “hey, can we chat about the project timelines?” or “sup carly, just wanted to say I really like your nail polish color” or something like that is super helpful to me, since it forestalls my having to try and read tone without any inflection.

thejessleigh profile image
jess unrein

I've never seen a personal README before, but I love it and want to make one now. That's such a good idea!

0ctavia profile image

I never heard of the color coded badges and it seems like a great idea.

For myself noise and overstimulation has been a consistent plague. Harsh lights are another, and overheating. I find that computer glasses can take the edge of harsh lighting due to their yellow shade, and some glasses can be tinted slightly on top of that.

I wish people realized just how much silence some of us require and would be mindful enough to step outside to have a chat, rather than blurt things over the table to their colleagues. But if you mention it too much you're the "boring one" that takes away all the fun.

onecuteliz profile image
Elizabeth Jenerson

A million "thanks" for sharing something that is very personal.
This made me so much more aware as a neurotypical.