DEV Community

Discussion on: You’ll get there faster if you slow down

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez • Edited

Can someone give this man a cookie? (A real one... and no, emojis won't do the job).

I've thought about this a lot recently. Getting yourself in that "Just. One. Moar. Commit" can eat you alive.

I took next week off from work since I'll also be on break in between quarters from college, and I promised myself not to lose any meals, go to sleep early and wake up early to keep coding instead of staying up all night and getting bad sleep, take a bath every few hours, etc. Because at end of the day it's better to have 20min of intense coding without much issues than 1 hour of hitting your head against the display while you wish to get that one answer that solves everything.

devtouser432 profile image

Exactly. It's a hard thing to discipline but well worth it.

🍪 🍪 🍪