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Discussion on: Installing Expose on a Laravel Forge server with a custom domain and wildcard SSL

eldair profile image
Krisitjan • Edited

Thanks for sharing this, it helped me set it up on my server :)

just one thing, you should replace quotes in nginx example
instead of proxy_set_header Connection ‘upgrade’ it should be proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'
(for easier copy/paste because it didn't work for me with the original quotes).

UPDATE: this should also be taken into account because it wouldn't work for me until I manually set db location for --validateAuthTokens

pendonl profile image
Joshua de Gier

Hi Kristjan,

thanks for your reply! I've editted the nginx example so it's ready to be copy-pasted!

As for your update, under "Creating users" there's a note that stated that already. I've added your link for further information.