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Discussion on: AWS Lambda SQS events with Serverless Framework

emramos profile image
Emanuel Müller Ramos

Thanks for the article, very useful :)
I have a question regarding the IAM permissions. In the serverless.yml three permissions were granted:
- "sqs:SendMessage"
- "sqs:GetQueueUrl"
- "sqs:ListQueues"

Why sqs:GetQueueUrl and sqs:ListQueues are needed for this example? Are they a pre-requisite for being able to send the messages in sender.js?
Regarding sqs:SendMessage, what will be the scope of the permission? Will it only allow the lambdas declared within the serverless.yml file to be able to send messages, or will it allow any service within the AWS account and/or public network to access it?

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Marcin Piczkowski

Hi, the permissions are needed for sender to send message to queue.
The scope of permission is only for lambdas within this CloudFormation stack.