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Eric The Coder
Eric The Coder

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Python : String Manipulations

The Python crash course is free and will be posted here on I will publish a new article every two days or so. To not miss anything, you can follow me on twitter: Follow @EricTheCoder_

String Manipulations

Let's now see in a little more detail how to create and manipulate character strings (Strings) with Python.

A variable of type String can be created with single or double quotes

name = 'Mike'

# or

name = "Mike"

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Python allows you to insert special characters into your Strings.

message = "Hello \nWorld"
# Hello
# World
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The special character “\n” will be replaced by a line break. Python provides you with several special characters. Here is a list:


Using the “f” prefix displays the contents of the variable specified between the brackets {}

name = "Mike"

print(f"Hello {name}")
# Hello Mike
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Python can also execute any expression inside the {} brackets, so this concept can become very powerful. Here is an example:

name = "Mike"

print(f"Hello {name.upper()}")
# Hello MIKE
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It is also possible to join two Strings with the "+" (plus) operator

name = "Mike"

print("Hello " + name)
# Hello Mike
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Ignore special characters

Using the “r” prefix displays the contents of the String as is. That is to say without taking into account special characters (ex. \n)

message = r"https:\\\index.html"
# https:\\\index.html
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Here the use of the “r” prefix allows the path to be displayed correctly. Otherwise Python would have interpreted the double backslash "\\" as a special character.

String over multiple lines

Python also allows you to create a String exactly as entered even with line breaks. To do this you must use three quotes.

message = """This is multiline
String that is easier to
read and assign"""

# This is multiline
# String that is easier to
# read and assign
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As a result, reading the String in the code is very explicit.

Retrieving part of String

Python allows to retrieve only part of the String.

A String variable is indeed composed of several characters that can be read one by one or in groups. Here is some example

product = "iPhone 12"
# position 012345678

# i

# h

# Phone
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Each character is associated with a position number. The first position is always 0. To access a particular position, it must be specified between square brackets []

Note that it is not possible to modify the String in this way. Any attempt to modify will return an error.

product = "iPhone 12"
product[0] = "e"

# TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
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It is possible to access the characters of the String from the end.

message = "Hello World";

# d
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Position -1 represents the last character, -2 the penultimate, and so on.

When retrieving several characters, if one of the two positions is omitted, the retrieval will be from the beginning of the String

message = "Hello World";

# Hello

# World
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String Manipulations

Python has several functions that allow you to transform the contents of the String. Here are a few :

Uppercase and lowercase conversion

name = 'Mike Taylor'

# mike taylor


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Remove white spaces before and after a String

message = "  Hello World        "

# "Hello World"

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Return the number of characters in the String

name = "Mike Taylor"

nb_char = len(name)

# 11
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Change the first letter of a String to uppercase

name = "mike"

name_cap = name.capitalize() 

# Mike
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Change the first letter of all words in a String to uppercase

name = 'mike Taylor'

name_title = name.title() 

# Mike Taylor
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Check if the String starts or ends with a particular character or characters

name = 'Mike'

# True

# True
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Replace part of the String with other characters

name = "Mike"

new_name = name.replace('M', 'P')

# Pike
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Return the position of a specific character

name = "Mike"

# 2
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Note that the first position always starts at zero and if the character is not found, the function will return -1


That's all for today, I'll post a new article every other day or so. To make sure you don't miss anything, you can follow me on twitter: Follow @ EricTheCoder_

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