DEV Community

Andrey Frolov
Andrey Frolov

Posted on

Compile a first program

1) Create a file

2) Write this code

open Base
open Stdio

let rec read_and_accumulate accum =
  let line = In_channel.input_line In_channel.stdin in
  match line with
  | None -> accum
  | Some x -> read_and_accumulate (accum +. Float.of_string x)

let () =
  printf "Total: %F\n" (read_and_accumulate 0.)

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3) create dune file

 (name      sum)
 (libraries base stdio))
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4) install Stdio

opam install Stdio 
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5) Use dune to build the binary

dune build
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6) Execute the program type some number and hit CTRL+d

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