DEV Community

Discussion on: Organizing Your React App Into Modules

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Jack Williams

Sorry for the delay, I took a small hiatus after writing this.

Originally, in our app, we used plain old redux. It was a mess.

Then, on every screen, we asked ourselves:

Does this REALLY NEED to be in redux for global state?

The answer, 95% of the time, was no. We refactored out redux and went with Context for truly global state (App state, user state, etc...).

But, to answer your question in 2020 of how I would do it (managing actions / reducers):

For actions / reducers
Use Redux Toolkit or something similar ( Creating all those actions and reducers and managing them was a nightmare.

For shared behavior
Hooks are exactly what that was made for. Got a bug service? useBugs() might return { createBug, searchBugs }. Import and use anywhere.