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João Vitor Amorim
João Vitor Amorim

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Linked List in C

Linked List's are a simple way to store relational data; some of it's possibilities are: you can access any particular node, modify it, add nodes in the head/tail, reverse the list & much more.

Lest's start by creating our struct that will hold a Int Value and a pointer(which will point to the next node)

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Now we have to creat a list with the Node struct:

-> We have to allocate a space in our memory for the first node
-> Add data in our node
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Since it's the first node it can point to NULL.

Congratulations, you manage to implement your linked list.

The next step is to creat a function that add's nodes:

-> Pass the reference of the head of the list & the value that will be stored
-> Find the last node
-> Allocate the memory for the new node
-> Make the last node reference point to the new node
-> Make the new node recieve the value
-> Make the new node point to NULL

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To Finish let's create our final function to print the list.

-> Pass the reference of the head of the list
-> Print the value in the current node
-> Check if the next node exists
-> Call the function again for the next node

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Now the implimentation is complete, in the next posts I will cover how to reverse a Linked List (Both iterative and recursive)

Thanks for your time, see you :)

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