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How use .env files in Quasar

Many developers especially beginers have problems with proper use of .env file during Quasar application development and build-up.

Quasar recent documentation (for ver.1.13) mentions three methods for using enviroment variables in the application:

Unfortunatelly despite descriptions in official documentation

developers are confused in many cases when they try to use .env file due to missing important information in Quasar ducumentation. In this article I want to clarify how proper to use the enviromental variables.

Two basic use cases

Because of different scope of operation we can split the described methods in two groups:

  1. applicable in quasar.conf.js (main configuration file):
    • CLI inline variables
    • @quasar/dotenv extension
  2. applicable ONLY in the application (boot files, components):
    • @quasar/qenv extension

Most important conclusion here is

You cannot use @quasar/qenv extension for settings in quasar.conf.js

How to use @quasar/dotenv extension

Very good description is in article

At first install Quasar App Extension dotenv:

quasar ext add @quasar/dotenv

then create new js file envparser.js in /src/config:

const DotEnv = require('dotenv')
const parsedEnv = DotEnv.config().parsed
module.exports = function () {
  // Let's stringify our variables
  for (key in parsedEnv) {
    if (typeof parsedEnv[key] === 'string') {
      parsedEnv[key] = JSON.stringify(parsedEnv[key])
  return parsedEnv

in quasar.conf.js then include on the most top of the file following code:

const envparser = require('./src/config/envparser.js')

and assign this function to (new) env variable to the build attribute in quasar.conf.js:

build: {
  env: envparser(),
  vueRouterMode: 'history',

Create a file .env in the top (root) project directory. It can contain any number of custom env variables e.g.


then you use the variable in quasar.config.js

build: {
     env: envparser(),
     vueRouterMode: 'history',
     publicPath: ? process.env.JOT_PUBLIC_PATH : '',

In object process.env are available all server/computer environment variables and all custom environment variables from .env file.

How to use @quasar/qenv extension

Install Quasar extension

quasar ext add @quasar/qenv

File .quasar.env.json is created during installation with demo template

  "development": {
    "ENV_TYPE": "Running Development",
    "ENV_DEV": "Development"
  "production": {
    "ENV_TYPE": "Running Production",
    "ENV_PROD": "Production"
  "test": {
    "ENV_TYPE": "Running Test",
    "ENV_Test": "Test"

Variables from .quasar.env.json are available only after successfull application build (i.e. after processing quasar.config.js). These custom variables together with some other built-in variables are available in the application boot files, application and components files.

In object process.env are available only variables from .quasar.env.json and Quasar built-in environment variables.

Using above defined template the process.env object contains:

      "ENV_TYPE": "Running Development",
      "ENV_DEV": "Development",
      "NODE_ENV": "development",
      "CLIENT": true,
      "SERVER": false,
      "DEV": true,
      "PROD": false,
      "MODE": "spa",
      "VUE_ROUTER_MODE": "hash",
      "VUE_ROUTER_BASE": "",
      "APP_URL": "http://localhost:8080"

After build processing the server/computer environment variables are NOT AVAILABLE in new created process.env object.

Example use in boot file:

export default async (app /* { app, router, Vue ... } */) => {
 console.log('show router mode:', process.env.VUE_ROUTER_MODE);
 // something to do

Example use in *.vue file:

  console.log('inside', process.env.VUE_ROUTER_MODE);
  export default {
    name: 'App',

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