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Learning JS can be frustrating

The Key on October 13, 2018

Hello everyone. One week ago I asked for some help for JavaScript. How to attempt it if you know C# and you're not that much interested in fronten...
realedwintorres profile image
Edwin Torres

JavaScript itself is not difficult to learn. The challenge is understanding JavaScript's role in web development. Yes, there are Node.js modules that abstract the details of web services. But it starts with a fundamental understanding of the HTTP protocol with respect to web development:

tejaarukoti profile image
Teja Swaroop Arukoti

Similar pain I went through last week while learning NodeJS + MongoDB. All tutorials point to use of ExpressJS.

key_user profile image
The Key

I hope you still achieved what you tried to learn?

tejaarukoti profile image
Teja Swaroop Arukoti

Yes. :)