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On Becoming a Technical Writer

Ada Nduka Oyom on April 20, 2018

One of my many role models once said, the reason as to which she started out into technical writing was as a way for her to pen down her new le...
rafalpienkowski profile image
Rafal Pienkowski

Great article.I really enjoyed reading it.

My personal trick to introduce some of the technical slang into my articles is to add links to the documentation, another blog posts etc. In my opinion, it could help readers to be more familiar with technical slang. If someone doesn't understand a term I've used, he or she can easily click on it and go to the more detailed description.

Once again great post. Cheers.

kolokodess profile image
Ada Nduka Oyom

Thank you, I'm glad we both see that on the same terms. Cheers

mongopark profile image
Ola' John Ajiboye

Fuuny, I started writing because of my mentee. He started writing when he barely understood some of the concepts. I will proofread his articles, check code snippet for correctness, etc. I saw the way he grew and became more and ore independent. And he was helping a ton of people along the way. And he got noticed by really cool brands. Of course, I knew a tad more than he did, but if you Google both our names, you'd easily think he was my mentor. This made me realized the power of exposure and putting yourself out there, teaching what you know. My career literarily turned around in the first month I started writing.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson


For someone with his first interview for a Technical Writer position this came at the best time 🙂

kolokodess profile image
Ada Nduka Oyom

I'm glad this helped

rjpsyco009 profile image
Ryan Norton

Definitely wanting to improve my writing, since nothing I write has been technical yet. A very encouraging article!

kolokodess profile image
Ada Nduka Oyom

Go for it Ryan!

eli profile image
Eli Bierman

Thanks for this article! I really appreciate the process section for laying it out so clearly, and the examples for improving language usage are so helpful. Active voice is so hard to get right...

ijebusoma profile image
Vanessa Osuka

Thanks, started writing a blog recently, this is a handy checklist!

kolokodess profile image
Ada Nduka Oyom

That's great Vanessa!