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edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

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Who uses TypeScript, and what is your opinion of it?

I started learning TypeScript on my stream as we'll be using it at work. It seems like it's somewhat popular, but on my second show I'm recognizing some problems I wasn't expecting. It feels a lot less mature than it's popularity would suggest.

It's clearly a step up about plain JavaScript, but seems to be missing a lot, or perhaps just be poorly documented.

Who is using TypeScript and what are you experiences with it?

Latest comments (5)

stargator profile image

I've been using it for a couple of months for an Angular 5 app. So far, I'm overwhelmed by the configurations needed, which is compounded by contractual restrictions on adding new libraries and updates to TypeScript into our development environment.

After working with Dart for 8 months in an AngularDart app, I much prefer to go back to that then continue using TypeScript.

Dart still compiles to JavaScript, but has sound typing over TypeScript's static typing. And requires very little configuration out of the box.

justinctlam profile image
Justin Lam

I use it and it's so much better than plain JavaScript.

TypeScript is used heavily at Microsoft, as Microsoft did design and develop it.
I think Google backs up TypeScript as well. TypeScript works well with React too.

If you add TSLint, you can catch many errors.

I see the biggest down side is having to "compile" your code, but that's the trade off if you want type safety and not have to constantly worry about shooting yourself in the foot.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

We used it for some Angular 1.x apps. I liked it better than using vanilla JS because it was easy to add type annotations when they really mattered to you. But otherwise, I just used it like vanilla JS. It didn't seem to have much downside.

We still have some bits and pieces of TypeScript in production, but I haven't touched it in a while now. If we do touch it, it will probably be to rewrite the app in Elm.

michaeljota profile image
Michael De Abreu

I have work with Typescript since 2 years now, and I have to say that I'm very pleased. Of course it have some weird edge errors, but most of the time have the job done. I have to say that I mostly work with Angular, and it is build with Typescript. But if you have time, you can work with plain JS. However, one thing that you have to keep always in your while developing, that code will run as plain JS, and as more experience I had with TS, more I realized the little I knew about JS. So a strong knowledge about JavaScript would stop you to have some errors, and know what Typescript actually does will stop you to have some others more.

Most of the time I'm really glad to have Typescript in my life.

jrop profile image
Jonathan Apodaca

For my toy language that I am working on, I am implementing the compiler in TypeScript and loving it. I use it for all (target==JavaScript && type==library) projects. As long as they are self-contained, I prefer to have as much type-checking/hinting than work with pure JS (and that's saying a lot because I love JS). It begins to show problems in apps, though, if you have to plug it in to and have to have it work with lots of other tools. So, if type==app, TS is a no-go for me, anymore.

Also, last time I tried to install custom definition files for libraries that did not come with any, I was met with great inconsistency in the docs, or what the docs said plainly did not work. I have not tried for a while so perhaps things have changed since then, but I feel this is one glaring area of immaturity. Also, since TS is gradually typed by default, and has to operate as a bolt-on to the untyped nature of JS, this introduces some quirks. The integration in VSCode is stellar, and JS developers working in VSCode reap many benefits that TS has laid the groundwork for (IntelliSense in JS files that utilize TS libs).

Yep, there are quirks, but overall I am a pleased user!