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pankaj kumar
pankaj kumar

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How to Perform Basic Matrix Operations with Pytorch Tensor

In this Notebook, I try to Explain Basic Matrix Operations using PyTorch tensor.

Lets Discuss Tensor First!

Tensor is a multi-dimensional matrix containing elements of a single data type.
like tensor is multidimensional so you can Easily handle number Which is a zero-dimensional matrix, vector Which is a single-dimensional matrix, matrix Which is a two-dimensional matrix, or multi-dimensions matrix.

# Import torch and other required modules
import torch
# Number
t1 = torch.tensor(9.)
# vector
t2 = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4,5])

tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
# matrix
t3 = torch.tensor([[2., 6], 
                   [8, 9], 
                   [9, 4]])
tensor([[2., 6.],
        [8., 9.],
        [9., 4.]])
# n-dimentional
t4 = torch.tensor([[[11., 12., 13.],
         [13., 14., 15.]],

        [[15., 16., 17.],
         [17., 18., 19.]]])
tensor([[[11., 12., 13.],
         [13., 14., 15.]],

        [[15., 16., 17.],
         [17., 18., 19.]]])

In the ML/DL you can use CPU or GPU for processing and torch can handle both devices with using torch.device for more detail go to

Let's Discuss Matrix and Operations of Matrix


In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. --Wikipedia
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Image Source: Wikipedia
In the above matrix, you can see an m × n matrix: The m is the number of Horizontal are rows and the n is verticals are columns. In the matrix, each element is denoted by a variable with two subscripts like a 2,1 that means second row and first column

The Ml/DL matrix is very important because with matrix data handling and representation are very easy so Pytorch provides a tensor for handling matrix or higher dimensional matrix as I discussed above.
now Let's discuss a different type of matrix and how to create and handle with tensor

Matrix Operations

Scalar Operations

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • division
  • other mathematical function

Matrix Operations (in the addition, subtraction, scalar matrix Multiplication snd division must be dimension order is same)

  • Addition of Matrices
  • Subtraction of Matrices
  • scaler Multiplication of Matrices
  • scaler Multiplication of Matrices
  • Multiplication of Matrices

Read more:

# for example let's take 2x4 matrix 
x = torch.randn((2,3))

x, x.shape

(tensor([[-2.7610e-01,  7.4592e-01,  4.8388e-01],
         [ 8.7141e-01, -6.2898e-04,  8.8964e-01]]), torch.Size([2, 3]))
y = torch.randn((2,3))
y, x.shape
(tensor([[-0.3368, -0.8528, -0.3528],
         [ 0.4487, -1.1638, -0.8607]]), torch.Size([2, 3]))

Scaler Opretions of Matrix

Addition of scaler number with matrix element

# add constant with matrix
tensor([[1.7239, 2.7459, 2.4839],
        [2.8714, 1.9994, 2.8896]])
tensor([[-5.5220e-01,  1.4918e+00,  9.6776e-01],
        [ 1.7428e+00, -1.2580e-03,  1.7793e+00]])

Subtract scaler number with matrix element

# Subtract constant with matrix
tensor([[-2.2761, -1.2541, -1.5161],
        [-1.1286, -2.0006, -1.1104]])

Multiplication of scaler number with matrix element

tensor([[-8.2830e-01,  2.2377e+00,  1.4516e+00],
        [ 2.6142e+00, -1.8869e-03,  2.6689e+00]])
tensor([[ 2.7610e-01, -7.4592e-01, -4.8388e-01],
        [-8.7141e-01,  6.2898e-04, -8.8964e-01]])

Division of scaler number with matrix element

tensor([[-1.3805e-01,  3.7296e-01,  2.4194e-01],
        [ 4.3571e-01, -3.1449e-04,  4.4482e-01]])

Other Math function

Absolute Function

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tensor([[2.7610e-01, 7.4592e-01, 4.8388e-01],
        [8.7141e-01, 6.2898e-04, 8.8964e-01]])


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tensor([[-0., 1., 1.],
        [1., -0., 1.]])

Similarly, you can use other math functions like Cos(x), sin(x), etc.

Matrix opretions

m1 = torch.tensor([[2., 6], 
                   [8, 9], 
                   [9, 4]])
tensor([[2., 6.],
        [8., 9.],
        [9., 4.]])
m2 = torch.tensor([[1., 6], 
                   [8, 4], 
                   [3, 4]])
tensor([[1., 6.],
        [8., 4.],
        [3., 4.]])

Addition of Matrices

# add self witch is similar  to 2*m1
tensor([[ 4., 12.],
        [16., 18.],
        [18.,  8.]])
tensor([[ 3., 12.],
        [16., 13.],
        [12.,  8.]])

Subtraction of Matrices

tensor([[1., 0.],
        [0., 5.],
        [6., 0.]])
# Subtract with self
tensor([[0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.]])

Division of Matrices

# this is scaler Multiplication don't be confused with matrix Multiplication. in scaler, Multiplication must be the dimensions  are the same  
tensor([[7.6231e-02, 5.5639e-01, 2.3414e-01],
        [7.5936e-01, 3.9561e-07, 7.9146e-01]])
tensor([[ 9.2995e-02, -6.3612e-01, -1.7071e-01],
        [ 3.9101e-01,  7.3199e-04, -7.6575e-01]])

Division of Matrices

tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]])
tensor([[ 8.1973e-01, -8.7466e-01, -1.3716e+00],
        [ 1.9420e+00,  5.4046e-04, -1.0336e+00]])

Multiplication of Matrices

If X and Y are matrix and X has dimensions m×n and Y have dimensions n×p, then the product of X and Y has dimensions m×p.
The entry (XY)ij is obtained by multiplying row I of X by column j of Y, which is done by multiplying corresponding entries together and then adding the results:

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For Matrix multipication you can use @ oprator and * oparetor is scaler multipication

#let's take X 
X = torch.tensor([[2., 6], 
                   [8, 9], 
                   [9, 4]])
X, X.shape
(tensor([[2., 6.],
         [8., 9.],
         [9., 4.]]), torch.Size([3, 2]))
#let's take X 
Y = torch.tensor([[2., 6, 9], 
                   [8, 9, 4]])
, X.shape
#multiply X ans Y 
tensor([[ 52.,  66.,  42.],
        [ 88., 129., 108.],
        [ 50.,  90.,  97.]])

If dimention of matrix is not according to the rul then you can not perform matrix multipication

# example with error

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-29-f3553d88c578> in <module>
      1 # example with error
----> 2 m1@m2

RuntimeError: size mismatch, m1: [3 x 2], m2: [3 x 2] at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1587428266983/work/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensorMath.cpp:41
torch.Size([3, 2])
torch.Size([3, 2])

The dimension of m1 is 3x2 and the dimension of m2 is 3x2 so m1 column is not matched with m2 rows 3!=2 that's why this is fire dimension error

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