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Discussion on: Getting started with a project written by another developer

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Rafarel • Edited

I've just inherited a Symfony 2 project where 3 dev worked on it before me. It is a monolithic project with absolute no concern about architecture, I have 1Ok+ repository class that does all sort of things, even sending emails. The average function is 500 lines. I have no choice but to work upon this spaghetti code base because I'm hired to add features to the website (to respond to business needs) and not do any architecture or cleaning. I assure you the task is very hard, you can't test anything at all, you investigate code that simply can't run, with no code style at all and a database with messy data that sounds very corrupted to me. Have you a good psychologist to recommend ? ^^ Have you encountered this kind of situation ? What would you do / react to ?