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Discussion on: Easy Headless Wordpress with Nuxt & Netlify part III

rightbraingroup profile image
Dr. Brain

Amazing. Thank you for this in depth tutorial. Everything is working great (data is getting to netlify, Nuxt is the best) except I am running into an issue. When i save a post or hit deploy from the Jamstack plugin seems like all is fine. It builds and says success and it even registers at netlify that it was being built and was successful. But the site does not update until I do another push and commit from github desktop. Any ideas. It says plugin is not compatible with my version of Wordpress. Don't know if that's the issue though. Thank you for your time in advance.

ninjasoards profile image
David Y Soards

The fact that is registers at Netlify that it's being built and successful makes me think it's not the plugin? Silly question, but have you tried a HARD refresh after Netlify builds. Let me know if you figured it out, and glad you enjoyed the tutorial!