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David Y Soards
David Y Soards

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Easy Headless Wordpress with Nuxt & Netlify part III

Part 3 - Deploying on Netlify

Part 1 deals with setting up Wordpress as a Headless CMS.

Part 2 covers Vue, Nuxt and Tailwind.

Deploying your project to the web from a git repo is ridiculously easy using Netlify. I'm going to assume you are familiar with Github and have been committing your work from Parts 1 and 2 of this series.

Moving the local Wordpress install that we worked on in Part 1 to a live URL is outside the scope of this article, but I will say that I have had success using the pro version of WP Migrate DB. It is by no means the only option though.

Once your CMS is live you will need to change the axios baseURL in the Nuxt config.


axios: {
  baseURL: '',
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Add site in Netlify

Obviously you are also going to need a Netlify account for this, so if you don't have one, you will need to create one. Sign up using your Github account and you will be able to access your repos.

In the Netlify dashboard, click New site from Git.

Under Continuous deployment click the Github button.

Pick the correct repo.

If it's not set already, set the Build Command to npm run generate, and the Publish directory to dist.

Click Deploy site.

Netlify will deploy your site to a randomly generated URL that will end in You have the ability to make your own custom URL or use a "real" domain name.

Any time you push to this repo's master branch, Netlify will re-deploy the site for you. But the whole point of setting up a CMS was so non-developers could make changes and add content. So we also want to trigger a deploy anytime new posts are published or existing published posts are updated.

Generate Build Hook

Navigate to your new site in the Netlify dashboard and then to Site Settings -> Build & deploy -> Build hooks and click Add build hook. Give your build hook and name, and click Save.

Now we have access to a unique URL that we can use to trigger a build. If you click the dropdown arrow next to your build hook you, it will show you a cURL command that you can use to trigger a build directly from the terminal.

build hook in netlify

Trigger Build Hook in Wordpress

Back in Wordpress, we can hook into certain events and call the build hook. I initially tried to set this up myself following the instructions outlined in this article. It hooks into the publish_post, publish_page and post_update Wordpress hooks, and uses PHP's built in cURL library to trigger the build hook.

Sadly I could not get that code to work reliably. I'm not sure if it was permissions issues or very likely I was doing something wrong. Either way I opted to use a plugin, and I'm glad I did because it offers several benefits which greatly improved the user experience for the designers using the CMS.

The plugin is called Jamstack Deployments.

Once installed, navigate to Settings -> Deployments and enter the the URL of your build hook. The plugin gives you the ability to choose via checkboxes which Post Types, Taxonomies, and Post Statuses will trigger a build.

For purposes of this demo, you should check Events under Post Types and Published under Post Statuses.

It's nice to be able to turn the settings on and off via the dashboard. But my favorite feature of this plugin is the Status Bar that it adds to the Wordpress dashboard.

Status Bar

To get the Status Bar working properly, two URLs need to be added in the Jamstack Deployments settings. The URLs can be found in your Netlify dashboard under Site Settings -> General -> Deploy status badge. The first URL that ends in /deploy-status is the Badge Image URL and the second URL that ends in /deploys is the Badge Link.

netlify status badge

With those settings entered, the current status of your Netlify site is displayed and updated in real-time in the Wordpress Dashboard.

The status bar also has a Deploy Website button. I found this feature extremely useful as well. If you know you or someone will be making a lot of updates to the site at once, you can temporarily turn off the auto-updates and just hit the Deploy button when you are finished.

And that's it! Our content-managed website built with Vue, and Wordpress is live and content is updating automatically.

As always, thanks for reading! If you have any quesions, please ask them in the comments

Top comments (6)

rightbraingroup profile image
Dr. Brain

Amazing. Thank you for this in depth tutorial. Everything is working great (data is getting to netlify, Nuxt is the best) except I am running into an issue. When i save a post or hit deploy from the Jamstack plugin seems like all is fine. It builds and says success and it even registers at netlify that it was being built and was successful. But the site does not update until I do another push and commit from github desktop. Any ideas. It says plugin is not compatible with my version of Wordpress. Don't know if that's the issue though. Thank you for your time in advance.

ninjasoards profile image
David Y Soards

The fact that is registers at Netlify that it's being built and successful makes me think it's not the plugin? Silly question, but have you tried a HARD refresh after Netlify builds. Let me know if you figured it out, and glad you enjoyed the tutorial!

faigabaszada profile image

at this point doesn't matter of which requirements is good for speed , even basic wordpress hosting is enough because only CMS will be on hosting, right?

ninjasoards profile image
David Y Soards

Correct, the Nuxt site is hosted separately on Netlify. As long as the Wordpress site is up and running at build time, everything should deploy just fine. Basic hosting should have no trouble running the Wordpress JSON API.

faigabaszada profile image

Hello, article about Woocommerce would be great , you are hero , nice man :)

ninjasoards profile image
David Y Soards

Oh man. Unfortunately I do have some experience with Woo, not as a headless CMS situation, but it is one of my least favorite platforms to work with. If I was wanting to add some e-commerce to a statically generated site I would probably look into using the Stripe API, but I haven't had the chance to do that yet. If I do, I will definitely write it up!