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Discussion on: I created and maintained my first open source project for Hacktoberfest. It got spooky. Ask me Anything.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

The idea came from when I finally understood how Javascript worked.

"Learn Javascript" was on my to-do list for ages. I tried learning a few times in the past 2-3 years, but I had a hard time grasping the concepts, so it didn't stick. Last summer I stayed in all weekend and went through ALL of the Code School Javascript tracks, then I started to get it.

The fact that I could have Javascript do math was really fun to me. That and if/else statements. I got a little obsessed with the two and ended up making some quick apps like my Is it Payday?. My coworkers are pretty into Halloween (it got to the point where I would mention how many days until, during our daily stand ups) so a countdown clock to Halloween seemed like a good idea :)

I had posted it on Github in September, but I didn't hear about Hacktoberfest until mid-October. I wasn't finding much to contribute to, so I added the appropriate tags, made some Tweets and opened it up to the internet to contribute to. It took off way more than I expected it to, which was cool! I learned a lot, it forced me to get familiar with Git real fast and is easily one of the things I'm most proud of in 2017.

As far as tips, if you are looking to start your own open source project, stick with something that interests you, even if you aren't an expert in it. I'm sure as heck, not a Javascript expert (or Github guru, or open sourcerer, etc) but it was a fun, low-key thing I could spend a few hours each evening working on. I'd also say don't overthink it too much. With some small exceptions, open source/code/etc has a low barrier of entry and there's not much harm that can be done with posting a repo and opening it to the public.

Do you have any project ideas in mind?

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

With some small exceptions, open source/code/etc has a low barrier of entry and there's not much harm that can be done with posting a repo and opening it to the public.

Totally agree. The idea of open sourcing my repos that I cared about always worried me, but it's really not that big of a deal.

I was thinking of making a simple PWA that lets you check your NYC subway times easily. There's an official app for it but it's kind of meh, and doesn't load fast enough for me. 🙃

Another app might be a PWA subway map that's available offline, and is interactive. It'd also be cool to see which lines are changing and what not, since I don't have reliable app that does that well.

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scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I love the idea of doing a subway app. Those apps are usually terrible (I used to commute in DC. I don't remember if there was an app, but the mobile site was not responsive) so there's lots of room for improvement.

I recently learned about PWA so now I want to make every website offline friendly.