Latest episodes

426: Backlogs, Issues vs Discussions vs Chatting, and Trying Not to Waste Your Shot
Shop Talk Show,
425: Tailwind, Where to Find Inspiration, SVG Corrections, and Web Workers
Shop Talk Show,
424: Web Components, Frameworks vs Vanilla, Accessible Numbers, and SVG Memory Usage
Shop Talk Show,
423: Sleep Issues, Zoom Masters, Discord as the New Chat, Chris Goes Ruby, and Dave Folds Windows
Shop Talk Show,
422: The Uncanny Valley of Website, Accessibility Widgets, Motion Settings, and Medium
Shop Talk Show,
421: Spinning Down Projects, Educating the Back-End Team, and Choosing Old Tech
Shop Talk Show,
420: CSS Tricks, Old Tech, Apple Goes Arm, and Building an Image Machine
Shop Talk Show,
419: Hey! What About Email, Scroll Triggers, Mobile First vs Desktop, and more?
Shop Talk Show,
418: LH, RLH, Shadow DOM, Developer Experience, and RUM
Shop Talk Show,
417: RSS Feeds, MMO Games, DnD, and Custom Fields
Shop Talk Show,
416: Banjos, Google Performance Updates, and Static Site Generator Perf
Shop Talk Show,
415: CSS Aspect Ratio, Rendering Engines, and More with Jen Simmons
Shop Talk Show,
414: RAPIDFire on Front End Ceiling, Emacs, Permissions, and Writing Better Words
Shop Talk Show,
413: World Wide Waste with Gerry McGovern
Shop Talk Show,
412: RedwoodJS with Tom Preston-Warner
Shop Talk Show,
411: Vitaly Friedman and Smashing Magazine in 2020
Shop Talk Show,
410: Gulp with Blaine Bublitz
Shop Talk Show,
409: Stripe & Streaming with Suz Hinton
Shop Talk Show,
408: Frontend Masterery With Marc Grabanski
Shop Talk Show,
407: Extensible Web Manifesto with Brian Kardell
Shop Talk Show,
406: Jamstack with Divya Tagtachian
Shop Talk Show,
405: Cross-Cultural Design with Senongo Akpem
Shop Talk Show,
403: Serverless Architecture at Begin with Brian Leroux
Shop Talk Show,
402: New Website!
Shop Talk Show,
401: Dreaming About Foldable Phones, RSS, and SEO
Shop Talk Show,
400: Talking with Jen & Adam about Firefox & Chrome
Shop Talk Show,
399: The Browser Show
Shop Talk Show,
398: An Event Apart, Subgrid, Grid, Chrome engine, & more with Eric Meyer
Shop Talk Show,
397: Fixing Hardcoded Issues, Tooling for your Job, and Picking an Editor for a Job
Shop Talk Show,