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Discussion on: What planning tools do you use?

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Shreyas Ragavan

I'd start with an outline of my project in an Org mode document.

I wrote a bit about my journey in this blog post.

TLDR: I use Emacs for everything. Project + task management, reminders, code, journaling, writing, email and even a bit of web browsing. This response is being written in Org mode.

The starter-kit Scimax provides many nifty features out of the box to enable project management. Typically, I start a new project (within 2-3 key strokes max – could be 1 if I want!), supply a name - thats it. Functions are in-built to create a sub-folder in a specified project directory, as a git repo. I have the parent project folder as a repo as well, with each project / sub-folder as a sub-module.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

This is amazing, thank you!! I've been neglecting Emacs, I know there's a ridiculous amount of untapped power and flexibility there.

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Shreyas Ragavan • Edited

Oh yeah!! Emacs is pretty much a black hole in terms of getting sucked into perfecting workflows (more than actually getting work done :D). A balance is required.. as I've learnt the hard way.

In general, if you can weather through the relatively steep learning curve - the benefits will grow exponentially. That has been my experience too.

As such - it is very easy to get started with an org-mode document. The learning curve is about getting very specific things done via customisation and understanding some archaic terminology like 'buffers' , 'yank' and so on.

Note: there are other starter-kits out there too. Prelude, Spacemacs, Doom-Emacs and so on. The philosophies are quite different.

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I started with spacemacs and eventually just started over from scratch with ivy/which-key, but never got too much deeper into customization.

Org mode has been on my "to-try" list for altogether too many years - maybe it's finally time to break the damn seal :)