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Steve Mak
Steve Mak

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Cheatsheet for C#*


Variables and Types

C# type keyword .NET type Example Default Value
Primitive Data Types
bool System.Boolean bool myBoolean = true; false
byte System.Byte 0
sbyte System.SByte 0
char System.Char char myChar = 'a'; '\0' (U+0000)
decimal System.Decimal 0
double System.Double double myDouble = 1.75; 0
float System.Single float myFloat = 1f; 0
int System.Int32 int a = 123;
System.Int32 b = 123;
uint System.UInt32 0
long System.Int64 0
ulong System.UInt64 0
short System.Int16 0
ushort System.UInt16 0
Reference Data Types null
object System.Object
string System.String string myName = "John";

Access Modifier

public protected internal private
protected internal
private protected
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abstract async await const event
extern in new out override
readonly sealed static unsafe virtual
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Statement Keywords

if else switch case
do for foreach in while
break continue default goto return yield
throw try-catch try-finally try-catch-finally
checked unchecked
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Method Parameters

// Parameters declared for a method without in, ref or out, are passed to the called method by value.

// *params* specifies that this parameter may take a variable number of arguments.
public static void UseParams2(params object[] list)
UseParams2({ 2, 'b', "test", "again" });

// *in*  specifies that this parameter is passed by reference but is only read by the called method.
void InArgExample(in int number)
    // Uncomment the following line to see error CS8331
    //number = 19;

// *ref* specifies that this parameter is passed by reference and may be read or written by the called method.
void Method(ref int refArgument)
    refArgument = refArgument + 44;

int number = 1;
Method(ref number);
// Output: 45

// *out* specifies that this parameter is passed by reference and is written by the called method.
int initializeInMethod;
OutArgExample(out initializeInMethod);
Console.WriteLine(initializeInMethod);     // value is now 44

void OutArgExample(out int number)
    number = 44;
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Null Conditional Operator (?.)

PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(FirstName)));
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public enum CarType
    Toyota = 1,
    Honda = 2,
    Ford = 3,

CarType myCarType = CarType.Toyota;
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public struct Coords
    public Coords(double x, double y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;

    public double X { get; }
    public double Y { get; }

    public override string ToString() => $"({X}, {Y})";
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string myString = "A string.";
String myString = "A string.";
string emptyString = String.Empty;
string anotherEmptyString = "";
string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
sentence += "chess.";
string sumCalculation = String.Format("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, sum);
// Use string interpolation to concatenate strings.
string str = $"Hello {userName}. Today is {date}."; // Interpolated string
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 * Single Dimensional Arrays
int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] nums = new int[10];

 * Multidimensional Arrays
int[,] matrix = new int[2,2];

matrix[0,0] = 1;
matrix[0,1] = 2;
matrix[1,0] = 3;
matrix[1,1] = 4;

int[,] predefinedMatrix = new int[2,2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
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List<int> numbers = new List<int>();
int[] array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
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Dictionary<string, long> phonebook = new Dictionary<string, long>();
phonebook.Add("Alex", 4154346543);
phonebook["Jessica"] = 4159484588;
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 * if-else
if (a == b) {
    // We already know this part
} else {
    // a and b are not equal... :/

 * for-loops
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    if(i == 12)

 * while-loops
while(n == 0)
    Console.WriteLine("N is 0");
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public static int Multiply(int a, int b)
    return a * b;
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interface ISkills
    void language();
    void sport();
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abstract class Staff:Object, ISkills // inherits a class and implements an interface
    public enum StaffType { Teacher, Student }; // enum

    private StaffType type;
    public StaffType Type { get => type; set => type = value; }  // property

     * Constructor
    public Staff(string name, StaffType type):base() // call parent constructor
    { = name;
        this.type = type;

    abstract public void sayHere(); // abstract method
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Object Initializer

Person person = new Person {
    Name = "John Doe",
    Age = 39
};  // Object Initializer

// Equal to
Person person = new Person();
person.Name = "John Doe";
person.Age = 39;
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Nullable / Non-nullable reference types

// Nullable
string? name; // ignore the compiler null check with name!.Length;

// Non-nullable
string name;
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Lambda expressions

(input-parameters) => expression
(input-parameters) => { <sequence-of-statements> }
Action line = () => Console.WriteLine();
Func<int, int, bool> testForEquality = (x, y) => x == y;
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public class Person
    public string FirstName;
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public string FirstName
        get { return firstName; }
        set { firstName = value; }
    public string FirstName
        get => firstName;
        set => firstName = value;
    public string FirstName { get; private set; }
    public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {LastName}";
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public int this[string key]
    get { return storage.Find(key); }
    set { storage.SetAt(key, value); }

// Multi-Dimensional Maps
public int this [double x, double y]
            var iterations = 0;
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Deconstruction (Tuple and Object)

// _ is a Discards
 * Tuple
public static void Main()
  var (_, _, _, pop1, _, pop2) = QueryCityDataForYears("New York City", 1960, 2010);

private static (string, double, int, int, int, int) QueryCityDataForYears(string name, int year1, int year2)

 * Object
public Person(string fname, string mname, string lname, string cityName, string stateName)

public void Deconstruct(out string fname, out string lname, out string city, out string state)
  fname = FirstName;
  lname = LastName;
  city = City;
  state = State;

var p = new Person("John", "Quincy", "Adams", "Boston", "MA");
// Deconstruct the person object.
var (fName, _, city, _) = p;
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// Declare the generic class.
public class Generic<T>
    public T Field;

public static void Main()
    Generic<string> g = new Generic<string>();
    g.Field = "A string";
    Console.WriteLine("Generic.Field           = \"{0}\"", g.Field);
    Console.WriteLine("Generic.Field.GetType() = {0}", g.Field.GetType().FullName);
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