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Shawn Sommer

You're being too hard on yourself. Just breathe. Seriously, breathe deep. Software engineering and development is a really broad subject, if you focus on what you haven't learned you'll fail to see that you've probably learned a lot over the past couple of years.

To be honest, I am in a similar situation to yours. It's difficult, I know. I did mostly back end development before and now I am working on learning front end. It's easy to get overwhelmed by all the choices. Just pick a language and stick with it for a good amount of time. Get to know it well. You don't need to know everything about that language. Just make sure you are really comfortable working with it. You're still going to have to look things up when you know the language well, we all do. Not many people can hold so much information in their head that they can code flawlessly from memory so don't think that's what you need to be able to do.

By picking one language and getting to know it well you'll be able to pick up other languages easier later and you won't feel so overwhelmed.

One last point. Since you are still a student you're probably going to feel very overwhelmed the first time you sit down and look at a production code base. That's normal. I still remember my first time looking at mature production code, it was terrifying. In school and personal projects my code rarely ran more than 1000 lines, the first place I worked had methods longer than that and the main class was somewhere in the neighborhood of 55,000 lines of spaghetti code (needless to say, the code was infested with bugs). Before I got familiar with the code base I felt like I was the village idiot but after a while I adjusted to it, got comfortable and refactored bits and pieces of that code in my time there. Don't get discouraged by the challenges, embrace them...when you are feeling the most challenged is probably when you are growing the most.