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Discussion on: Some US prisons are banning books on coding

tducasse profile image
Thibaud Ducasse • Edited

Don't get me wrong, but shouldn't they focus on increasing their security instead?

My understanding is that the whole point of prisons is to teach you how to be a part of society again. If you remove the very little amount of free education they can get while they're in there, doesn't it just defeat the purpose?
I'd like to think you make mistakes because of bad choices, lack of education, or hard circumstances.

Or maybe I'm wrong and prisons are about putting you somewhere you can't harm anyone, but then that's kind of sad...

Also, what do they do if a programmer gets incarcerated? He wouldn't need books!

robotoptimist profile image
James MacIvor

American prisons abandoned the principles of rehabilitation a long time ago. They are punishment centers. There are vestigial remnants of an earlier philosophy centered around rehabilitation, but almost all decisions from legislature, prison leadership and staff are to remove, limit or subvert those efforts.