This is Day #21 of a short series of brief tips, tricks, hints, and reminders of information relating to the Apama Streaming Analytics platform, both from Software AG as well as from the community.
When starting with EPL you will often create event listeners with the “on” or “on all” keywords. These listeners are checked and executed on every individual incoming event and provide a simple, yet powerful way of writing your rule logic. But what if you need to keep track of multiple events over time?
Typical questions you might want to answer in Cumulocity include windows or batches of events:
- What is average of this Measurement over the last hour (day)?
- What is the rate of Events coming in from my devices?
- What does the standard deviation over the last 50 Measurements look like and is my last Measurement within the expected range?
- What was the maximum (minimum) value for the Measurements today?
Check today´s original post in the Software AG Tech Community to find the best approaches to these questions!
Note that some posts may be published a day or two early or late (e.g. Mon-Fri) so you may find you have bonus days with more than one post!
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