DEV Community

Discussion on: Azure Trial Hackathon - EmotionalSound - perfect spotify song for your emotions

th3wall profile image
Davide Mandelli

Veeery much similar to our (@kasuken) project Moodflix…maybe too much :)

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Emanuele Bartolesi

Just maybe…

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marco-bertelli • Edited

I have notice the same thing, and i was hesitant to post it…, because me too i understand that is really similar, but i have investe too Much time to not post the project, and i have notice a few difference, use a complete different stack (angular and node instead recat and .NET), use of a custom neural network for song classifications, a complete different pipeline system, a different way to deploy (docker images), use of a database to store the data, use of spotify API.
I hope that you can understand that i really like your project but my is NOT a try to clone it….