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Discussion on: 3 Tricky Python Nuances

thejessleigh profile image
jess unrein

I have worked in a couple teams where my engineering managers had a real stick in their craw about always using is comparators with booleans to the point of rejecting PRs that didn't follow this pattern. But you may be right that the more Pythonic way would be to write if x: when checking for Truth. It's a pattern that I've had drilled into my head that might, in fact, not be as idiomatically Pythonic as I had been led to believe.

However, to your point, if you want to check that something is explicitly False (as opposed to something being False or None) it makes sense to me to use an explicit comparator rather than relying on if not x: as if not reads None as a falsey value. Granted, the use case here is pretty narrow, so it's not super useful.

Thank you for the clarification!