DEV Community

James Osho Thomas
James Osho Thomas

Posted on

I want to check if a user is signed on Angular

my view.ts

import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { INavData } from "../../Models/navItem.model";

  selector: 'app-home-navbar',
  templateUrl: './home-navbar.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./home-navbar.component.scss'],
export class HomeNavbarComponent implements OnInit {
  user: any;

  isScrolled = false;

  constructor() {}

  @HostListener('window: scroll')
  onWindowScroll() {
    const scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset;
    if (scrollPosition >= 100) {
      this.isScrolled = true;
    } else {
      this.isScrolled = false;
  ngOnInit(): void {}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

my navbar.ts

export interface INavAttributes {

export interface INavWrapper {
  attributes: INavAttributes;
  element: string;
export interface INavBadge {
  text: string;
  variant: string;
  class?: string;
export interface INavLabel {
  class?: string;
  variant: string;
export interface User {
  email: string;
  id: number;
export interface INavLinkProps {
  queryParams?: {
      [k: string]: any;
  fragment?: string;
  queryParamsHandling?: 'merge' | 'preserve' | '';
  preserveFragment?: boolean;
  skipLocationChange?: boolean;
  replaceUrl?: boolean;
  state?: {
      [k: string]: any;
  routerLinkActiveOptions?: {
      exact: boolean;
  routerLinkActive?: string | string[];

export interface INavData {
  user?: User;
  name?: string;
  role?: string;
  url?: string | any[];
  href?: string;
  icon?: string;
  badge?: INavBadge;
  title?: boolean;
  children?: INavData[];
  variant?: string;
  attributes?: INavAttributes;
  divider?: boolean;
  class?: string;
  label?: INavLabel;
  wrapper?: INavWrapper;
  linkProps?: INavLinkProps;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

i am trying to import my navbar component to use for checking, but i'm pretty new to angular. any solution?

Top comments (4)

joellau profile image
Joel Lau

Hi James,

When sharing data between components, you often are limited to a few options:

  1. passing a reference to said component
  2. using a service

Since its likely that you'd want to reference user information and login states throughout your app, I'd highly recommend the latter.

Let me know if you need more help!

thomasosho profile image
James Osho Thomas

let's say i make a service, how then do i input my user auth from my example?
I'm sorry i'm very new to this.

joellau profile image
Joel Lau

no worries, here are some articles that will probably do a better job of explaining than I do:

Methods of passing data between components:

Using a service to pass data between components:

joellau profile image
Joel Lau

short answer:

  • move variables concerning user auth data into a service
