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Configuring firewall in Linux

👉 I am working inside a VMWare workstation with a windows 10 and a Linux server (CentOS7) installed in separate VMs
Both devices are in network

💡 I will be sharing two short hands on with the iptables command and also a short configuration using the firewall-cmd command

Setting up the client PC (Windows)

The network settings

network settings

Accepting ICMP (ping) signals from a client PC

👉 I am connected to the Linux Server via XShell SSH

Disabling the firewalld service first as we will be using iptables

systemctl stop firewalld
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Checking the firewall policies

iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination    
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We can see that the "Chain INPUT" policy is set to "ACCEPT". We need to set this to "DROP" in order to begin the firewall configurations using iptables

iptables -P INPUT DROP
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this will kick us out from the XShell as it removed the SSH rules

To re-establish the SSH connection to our XSHELL, we will use

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp –-dport 22 -j ACCEPT
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This will make the Chain INPUT list to

iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ACCEPT     tcp  --       anywhere       tcp dpt:ssh

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
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This will allow us to connect to our Linux server using XShell once again

Now, we want the Linux Server to accept ping (ICMP) signals from the windows client. For this, we will add this using the iptables command

iptables -A INPUT -s -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
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Confirming from the windows pc,

ping test

We can confirm the entry using,

iptables -L

Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ACCEPT     tcp  --       anywhere             tcp dpt:ssh
ACCEPT     icmp --       anywhere             icmp echo-request

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If we remove this icmp using,

iptables -D INPUT 2

iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ACCEPT     tcp  --       anywhere             tcp dpt:ssh
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Now if we do the ICMP ping test from our Windows client,

ping failed

Accessing the Web Server as a client (Windows PC)

We need to install the httpd package using the yum installer.

However, as we have disabled the firewalld daemon we will need to accept the source port 53/udp so that it can actually connect to the DNS server and install the required httpd packages using yum.

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
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Now we can install the httpd package

yum -y install httpd-*
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After the installation is complete, we can add a custom html file,

cd /var/www/html    # moving to the right directory

cat > index.html
Welcome to my Web Server!
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Lastly, we just need to ACCEPT the port 80/tcp so that the Windows client PC can access the web server page

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
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Also, we need to start the httpd daemon

systemctl start httpd
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Checking the results from the client PC,


Accessing the Web Server using firewalld

Now we can achieve the same results using the firewalld daemon

For this purpose, we have to start the daemon first

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
# OR
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

firewall-cmd --reload            # restarting the daemon
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Again, checking from the client browser


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