Hello, I'm Junior Game Engine dev.
In few days, I have studied ECS, and I tried to set up for my project.
But, I wondered how to manage system on ECS.
A few systems need dependency, like RenderSystem must run after MoveSystem.
Then, On ECS, the Systems have specific sequence?? or just set up dependency systems?
I Simply thought, just make linked list that connect Systemslike, using System's Interface pointer.
But, It's expected to be complex and difficult on bigger project.
And, linked list cannot use parrellel method for multiple systems.
Cause, just run single systems step by step.
Finally, I thougth, just use Directed Acyclic Graph
that look like the system's attributes are Sequencial and Dependencial.
ISystem - System's Interface, all of system inheritance this object.
Linked List
Just Connect Prev ISystem's Pointer with Next ISystem's Pointer
Register System the last index, and access using index
Graph - Directed Acyclic Graph
Just Register dependencial System on other System.
run by dependencial distance which is zero or smaller
Then, What do you think about managing Systems on ECS??
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