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MDシミュレーション(Atomistic Simulations)によるLLPSにおける変性タンパク質の相互作用解析


  • タンパク質中の変性領域がLLPSの足場になっている
  • 足場となるタンパク質のアミノ戦配列がどのようにphase separationを起こすのかまだわかっていない
  • phase separationにおけるモデル分子であるN末端のDEAD-boxヘリカーゼ4(NDDX4)についてexplicit-solventシミュレーションを行った
  • NDDX4について単分子レベルでcomformational ensembleを決定し、分割統治的な手法によって他のタンパク質の高濃度でのシミュレーションに基づいて分子間相互作用が本当の凝集ぶつをmimickしているか調べた
  • めも: NDDXは236残基からなるタンパク質のN末端
  • NMRおよび変異解析の結果と一致した詳細データを得て、アルギニンや芳香族の残基が縮合に関わっていることを示唆した


  • phase separationでの変性領域の重要性


Furthermore, pioneering NMR studies indicate that this conformational flexibility is preserved even upon LLPS and that the condensed phase is stabilized by a dynamical network of transient multivalent interactions.(14,15)


Particularly, polymer theory has been used to rationalize how the patterning of charged residues in the sequence affects both the conformational ensemble of isolated proteins and their phase separation properties.(18−20)


Furthermore, several evidences indicate that amino acids with aromatic (Phe, Tyr) or large-sized, unsaturated side-chains (Arg, Gln) are key determinants of in vivo and in vitro LLPS,(10,14,17,21−24) and π–π or cation−π interactions have been invoked to rationalize these observations.(25)

LLPSのdriving forceの解明にはMDシミュレーションが使われてきた。


  • 相分離系のcoexistence curvesの決定
  • LLPSにおけるリン酸化の働きの説明
  • 単分子のconformational ensembleとphasingの間の相関の調査


Notably, coarse-grained (CG) models with a one-bead-per-residue resolution have been successfully applied for determining coexistence curves of model phase-separating systems,(26−28) for rationalizing the role of phosphorylation on LLPS,(29) and for investigating the correlation between single-molecule conformational ensembles and phase behavior.(30)


Conversely, the contribution of atomistic simulations to this field has been limited(15,24,34−37)

さらにIDRのconformational propertyの再現についての言説を見るとforce fieldの正確性に欠ける

Furthermore, the accuracy of atomistic force fields in this context has yet to be carefully assessed, considering the debate on their capability of correctly reproducing the conformational properties of IDRs/IDPs.(38−40)

この論文では * 分割統治的な手法 * IDP解析に有効だと確かめられた最新のforce field を用いてexplicit-solventの原子シミュレーションをNDDX4などのphasing分子について行った



ソフトウェア: Gromacs

force field: amber99sb-disp

trajectoryは v-rescale(43) と Parrinello–Rahman(44) schemes を用いて NPT ensemble (T = 300 K, P = 1 atm) の系で作られた

注 NpT ensembleはisothermal–isobaric ensemble(等温等圧集団)のこと


Initial configurations of NDDX4 were generated with TRaDES-2 software(45,46) by using the sequence reported by Brady et al.(14)


Protein molecules were solvated in a rhombic dodecahedron box with a volume of ∼2290 nm3, for a total of approximately 300000 atoms.

0.1M NaClにより電荷は中和(?)された

The charge of the system was neutralized with 0.1 M NaCl.

周期的な境界条件が適用され、1nmまでの範囲でparticle mesh Ewald algorithmが適用されて静電相互作用が計算され、ファンデルワールス力は1nmでcutoffされて計算された。

Periodic boundary conditions were applied, and long-range electrostatic interactions were evaluated by using the particle mesh Ewald algorithm(47) with a cutoff of 1 nm for the real space interactions, while van der Waals interactions were computed by using a cutoff distance of 1 nm

LINCS を使用してすべての結合長を制限した。

All bond lengths were constrained by using LINCS,(48)

水素分子は高周波のbond-angle vibrationを取り除くためにvirtual sites(?)に置換された。これにより4fsのtime stepで運動方程式の統合を行うことが可能になった。(計算量的な制約?)

hydrogen atoms were substituted by virtual sites to remove their high-frequency bond-angle vibration, allowing us to use a time step of 4 fs for the integration of the equations of motion.(49)


Each replica was run for 1 μs for a cumulated simulation time of 10 μs.


Configurations of the protein were saved every 10 ps, and the first 100 ns of each replica was discarded from the analysis.

gmx gyrate と HullRad softwareによりNDDX4の回転角(Rgyr)と流体力学的角度 (Rhyd) が計算された.

The radius of gyration (Rgyr) and the hydrodynamic radius (Rhyd) of NDDX4 were computed with the tool gmx gyrate and the HullRad software,(50)

分子間の接触の確率(contact probability)は、重い原子(H以外?)間の最短距離が0.5nm以下のの時に計算した。ただしペプチド結合4個ぶん以下の距離に位置するアミノ酸ペアは計算からのぞいた。

Intramolecular contact probabilities were evaluated considering a cutoff of 0.5 nm on the minimum distance between the heavy atoms of pairs of residues (Figure S12), excluding amino acids closer than four peptide bonds from the calculation

各残基(i)におけるP_loc(i)の値は[i-3, i+3]の7残基のrolling window(?)のcontact probabilityを計算し平均することにより得た。

The Ploc(i) variable for each residue i was computed by locally averaging the intramolecular contact probabilities of the residues by using a rolling window of seven residues in the interval [i – 3, i + 3].

11個の残基のmoving window(?)を解析することによって電荷を持つ領域およびArgやPheに富んだ領域が定義された

The definition of the charged blocks of amino acids and of regions rich in Arg and Phe was performed by analyzing the sequence with a moving window of 11 residues in the interval i – 5, i + 5.


The DSSP algorithm(51) was employed to estimate the secondary structure propensities from MD simulations via the interface provided by the gmx do_dssp tool.


12残基のExtended structures(?)はambertoolのleapで生成された

Extended structures of the 12-residue long peptides were generated by using the LEaP program included in AmberTools16.(52)


Termini of the peptides were capped by using ACE and NME groups to avoid artificial effects introduced by the charges of the terminal residues


Initial configurations for each replica were generated by inserting the peptides in random positions and orientations in a rhombic dodecahedron box with a volume of ∼145 nm3 by using the gmx insert-molecules tool available in GROMACS 2018.3.

Flag1、Flag2ではフェニルアラニンをアラニンに置換またはアルギニンをリジンに置換。Frag2: R133K, R135K, F137Aで Flag1: R150K, F153A, R154K, R157K, F160A

For mutants of Frag1 and Frag2 where arginine and phenylalanine residues were mutated respectively to lysine and alanine, mutations correspond to R133K, R135K, and F137A in Frag2 and R150K, F153A, R154K, R157K, and F160A in Frag1 according to NDDX4 sequence numbering.


In the case of the Frag1 + Frag3 system, five copies of each peptide were used

NDDX4のシミュレーションとは異なり水素原子はvirtual sitesに置換されなかった。理由は角自由度を考慮したため。(?)

Unlike the simulations of NDDX4, hydrogen atoms were not replaced with virtual sites, considering all the angular degrees of freedom.

結合長はLINCSを用いて制限された。これにより2fsのtime stepが可能になった(?)

All bond lengths have been constrained by using LINCS,(48) allowing a time step of 2 fs.

それぞれの系において、初期1μ秒間の異なった初期状態から3つの独立した複製がシミュレーションされた。(WT Flag1の系では2μ秒の独立した複製がシミュレーションされた)

For each system, three independent replicas were simulated from different initial configurations for 1 μs, except for the WT Frag1 system, where five independent replicas of 2 μs each were simulated.

10psごとに構造が記録された。intermolecular contact probabilitiesの計算には初期の200ns終了後の1nsごとのフレームが用いられた。

Conformations of the protein molecules have been collected every 10 ps for further analysis. One frame every 1 ns after the first 200 ns was used for the calculation of the intermolecular contact probabilities.

2.3. Structural Heterogeneity of NDDX4 Fragments Complexes



We defined an intermolecular residue coordination number NC to probe the local protein density in MD trajectories. This quantity was evaluated for each residue i at time t as a sum of switching functions with the following form:

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where rij(t) is the intermolecular distance between the alpha carbons of residue i on chain α and of residue j on chain β at time t, R0 = 1 nm, and the sum runs over all the residues j as long as i and j belong to different chains (α ≠ β).


The evaluation of NC(i,t) was performed with an in-house Python3 script which used the MDAnalysis library(53) to efficiently calculate the intermolecular distances between alpha carbons.

P(NC)の分布は全ての残基、configuration...構造(?)、複製について計算されたNC(i, t)の正規化されたヒストグラムに一致する

The P(NC) distributions correspond to the normalized histograms of NC(i,t) values accumulated over all the residues, the configurations, and the replicas of each system.

NDDXの実際の密度に対応するP(NC)の分布は1000の∼380 mg/mLまでのポリペプチド密度についてのconfigurationについて推定された。

The P(NC) distribution corresponding to the experimental density of NDDX4 condensed phase was estimated by analyzing 1000 configurations with a polypeptide density of ∼380 mg/mL.(14)

このようなconfigurations(?)はgmx insert-molecules toolによって

These configurations were constructed by inserting 25 copies of Frag1 placed within an ∼145 nm3 box by means of the gmx insert-molecules tool. In this procedure, the conformations of individual Frag1 peptides were randomly selected among those observed in MD simulations at ∼150 mg/mL concentration.

2.4 Analysis of Phe/Arg Side-Chain Interactions

フェニル基とグアニジン(アルギニン)の重い原子(?)間のCentroid–centroid距離と最短距離の計算にはPLUMEDが用いられた。また、gmx gangle toolによりrelative orientations ϑ (?) が計算され、mutual positions ϕ (? ← 引用論文: Thermodynamics of stacking interactions in proteins なのでスタッキング相互作用に重要? )はpython3のスクリプトで計算した。

Centroid–centroid and minimum distances between heavy atoms of phenyl and guanidinium groups were calculated with PLUMED 2.4.3,(54) and their relative orientations ϑ were computed by using the gmx gangle tool, while mutual positions ϕ were computed as reported by Marsili et al.(55) using an in-house Python3 script.

free energy surfaces(?)の計算については、ϑ と π–ϑ 及び ϕ と π–ϕ は区別しないことにした。

In the evaluation of the free energy surfaces, we chose not to distinguish between angles of ϑ and π–ϑ and between angles of ϕ and π–ϕ.(55)

距離、角度の確率分布はD^2で正規化された。Dはcentroid–centroid距離。正規化した理由はangle及び距離のいずれも優先されない場合のflat free energy profileを得るため。(?)

Distance–angle probability distributions were normalized by a factor D2 sin(ϑ) and D2 sin(ϕ),(55) where D is the centroid–centroid distance, to obtain a flat free energy profile in the case of configurations with neither angle nor distance preference.

独立したフェニルアラニン同士の相互作用に対するfree energy surfaceを評価するために、1 μsのMDシミュレーションを2つのuncapped phenylalaninesに対して行った。箱は十二面体で体積が〜11 nm^3。

To evaluate the free energy surface relative to the interaction between isolated phenylalanines, we ran four 1 μs long MD simulations of two uncapped phenylalanines, in a dodecahedron box of volume ∼11 nm3.

双性イオンであるフェニルアラニンの電荷は、アンモニウム基及びカルボキシ基については「a99sb-disp parameters of NPHE and CPHE residue types」を組み合わせて算出した。それ以外の原子についてはPHE残基からのパラメーターを維持した。

Charges for the zwitterionic phenylalanines were obtained by combining the a99sb-disp parameters of NPHE and CPHE residue types for the ammonium and the carboxyl groups, respectively, while keeping the parameters from the PHE residue type for the rest of the atoms (Table S1).

フェニルアラニン及びアルギニンから構成されるより高次な構造の解析については、フェニル基およびグアニジニウム基に属するheavy atomsについて0.5nm以内の距離に位置するものが一つでも存在した場合は2残基は同一のクラスタに属していると見なされた。

In the analysis of higher order structures formed by phenylalanine and arginine, two residues were considered part of the same cluster when at least one pair of heavy atoms belonging to phenyl and guanidinium groups were below the cutoff length of 0.5 nm.

100 psごとのFrag1シミュレーションのConfigurationsが解析に用いられ、gmx trjconv toolを用いて三量体の構造を抽出した。

Configurations every 100 ps of the Frag1 simulations were used for the analysis, and structures of the trimers were finally extracted by using the gmx trjconv tool.


そのために、1μsのtime scaleで10回MDシミュレーションを行なった。

We first investigated the single-molecule conformational properties of NDDX4 by performing 10 MD simulations in the 1 μs time scale (Figure 1A).

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(上図のradius of gyration(Rgyr)は回転半径なので分子の大きさを表す。)

(A: NDDX4はそれぞれのシミュレーションにおいて多様なRgyrを示した。)

(B: ランダムコイルモデルとMDシミュレーションから得られたRgyrの確率分布の相違。)

(C: )


The trajectories indicated that NDDX4 is a highly flexible molecule with a low secondary structure content (Figure S1) that transiently populates a variety of diverse conformational states, in agreement with the picture provided by NMR.(10,14)

シミュレーションにより得られたconformational ensembleは236残基のタンパク質のrandom-coil近似モデルにより得られた予測よりも小さかった。

The simulated conformational ensemble is rather compact (⟨Rgyr⟩ = 2.9 ± 0.3 nm) for an IDP of this size (236 residues) at variance with the predictions obtained with models based on random-coil approximation (⟨Rgyr⟩ ∼ 4.2 nm)(45,46) (Figure 1B).

MDシミュレーションとNMR diffusion measurementsから得られた流体力学的半径(hydrodynamic radius)の一致により、conformational ensembleの小ささが実験的データと一致し、force fieldの選択が正しかったと再確認される。

The excellent agreement between the hydrodynamic radius predicted by MD (⟨Rhyd⟩ = 3.20 ± 0.16 nm) and the estimate by NMR diffusion measurements (⟨Rhyd⟩ ∼ 3.16 nm)(14) indicates that this compactness is perfectly consistent with experimental data and reassured us on the accuracy of the force field for this system.


Mutagenesis experiments(14) have revealed that LLPS of NDDX4 depends on the electrostatic attraction between blocks of acid and basic residues in the protein sequence as well as on phenylalanine and arginine residues.


また、residue–residueのcontactについて、NDDX4のphase seperatioinに影響することが知られている「分子的決定要因」(molecular determinants)との相関を調査した。

We focus here on the residue–residue contacts most frequently observed in our trajectories (Figure 1C and Figure S2), and we investigate their correlation with these known molecular determinants of NDDX4 phase behavior.


Visual inspection of the results suggests that the oppositely charged patches in NDDX4 sequence considerably interact also at the single-molecule level, thus favoring spatial proximity of protein regions that are distant in the sequence (top-left half of Figure 1C).

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Furthermore, regions of NDDX4 that are particularly rich in phenylalanine and arginine residues exhibit a strong propensity to interact and account for a large fraction of the most favorable intrachain contacts (bottom-right half of Figure 1C).

特に、それらのfragmentのうちの一つはDDX4のphase separataionに必須であることが知られている132-164領域に対応した。

Notably, one of these fragments corresponds to region 132–164, which is known to be critical for DDX4 phase separation, as splicing variants lacking this region are not able to form organelles.(10)

したがって、シミュレーションではLLPSの形成に必須な領域が単一分子のconformational ensembleの形成に大きく寄与していることがわかった。

Therefore, our simulations suggest that the molecular determinants of NDDX4 phase separation largely contribute to the organization of the single-molecule conformational ensemble.


In this respect, our detailed atomistic description of NDDX4 corroborates the correspondence between intra- and intermolecular interactions in phase-separating systems proposed by Lin and Chan(19) and then inferred from atomistic MD of short protein fragments(24) or lower-resolution CG simulations.(23,27,30,56)


We then extended our MD strategy to multiprotein simulations to directly probe the intermolecular interactions that drive the phase separation of NDDX4.


Unfortunately, the large size and slow dynamics of NDDX4 currently prevent a satisfactory description of the protein condensed phase by explicit-solvent atomistic MD.


We circumvented this difficulty by focusing on the intermolecular interactions formed by 12-residue-long polypeptides, which correspond to fragments of NDDX4 with diverse features (Table 1).


Flag1: RGSFRGCRGGFG 150–161

Flag2: CEDNPTRNRGFS 117–128


In particular, while both Frag1 (RGSFRGCRGGFG 150–161) and Frag2 (CEDNPTRNRGFS 117–128) correspond to highly interacting regions which form promiscuous contacts in the single-molecule ensemble, Frag1 is characterized by a positive net charge, whereas in Frag2 two acidic residues counterbalance the two positively charged argininens.

逆に、Frag3: MGDEDWEAEINP 1–12 は負の電荷を持つN末端であり、正の電荷を持つ領域と選択的に結合する一方で、タンパク質の他の領域とはほとんど相互作用しない。

Conversely, Frag3 (MGDEDWEAEINP 1–12) corresponds to the negatively charged N-term (net charge −5), which selectively binds positively charged patches, but it scarcely interacts with the rest of the protein.

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10個のタンパク質鎖について1μsのMDシミュレーションを高濃度(∼150 mg/mL)で実行した。

ここで徹底的にFrag1, Frag2, Frag3のホモティピックな相互作用及びFrag1 + Frag3混合物のヘテロティピックな相互作用を見た。

We performed a large set of 1 μs long MD simulations of 10 peptide chains at high concentration (∼150 mg/mL) to exhaustively characterize the homotypic interactions of Frag1, Frag2, and Frag3 peptides and heterotypic interactions in Frag1 + Frag3 mixtures.


In these conditions, the polypeptides form extensive yet highly dynamical intermolecular contacts and transiently explore a wide range of oligomerization states without undergoing irreversible aggregation (see Figure S3).

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Secondary structure formation is extremely limited (see Figure S4) and lower than what is observed in full-length NDDX4, as expected for polypeptides of limited size.

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残基の配位数NC(i,t) を測定することで、ナノメートルスケールでタンパク質の濃度を測定した。

We characterized the local protein density in the nanometer range by measuring the intermolecular residue coordination NC(i,t) number for each residue i (see the Experimental and Theoretical Methods section).


This quantity probes the diverse local environments explored by individual residues during the simulations, which range from isolated chains to highly crowded conditions (Figure 2A).

そこで、それぞれのシミュレーションされた系の特性を特徴付けるために、全ての残基とtime frameについて累積された全体の分布を利用することにした。

We thus make use of the overall distribution P(NC) cumulated for all the residues and time frames to characterize the behavior of each simulated system.


This analysis reveals that the three fragments display markedly different interaction propensities at high concentration (Figure 2B).

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Flag1では二峰性の分布が見られた。これらは低密度の領域も高密度の領域も含み(encompasses)、静電相互作用の反発(全体の電荷は+3)と(short-range attractive forces, MDの用語?)の綱引きにより説明される。

The bimodal distribution observed for Frag1, which encompasses both a low-density peak and a higher-density region, can be intuitively explained by a tug of war between electrostatic repulsion (net charge +3) and short-range attractive forces.


In this respect, the low-density peak is significantly less pronounced in the case of Frag2, which is a neutral polyampholyte with stronger propensity for intermolecular interactions.

逆にFrag3(全体の電荷は-5)の場合では静電的な反発は全く打ち消されておらず、solvated statesを好み、高密度の多量体状態は最小化される。

Conversely, the electrostatic repulsion seems not to be counteracted by compensatory mechanisms in the case of Frag3 (net charge −5), which strongly prefers solvated states and minimizes higher-density oligomers.


This scenario is drastically reversed in the binary mixture of the oppositely charged Frag1 and Frag3, which mimics the interaction between charged patches in NDDX4 condensates and strongly favors highly packed conformations.


The observed sequence-dependent behavior is not exhaustively captured by simple parameters, such as net charge and/or mean hydrophobicity, but it recapitulates the intramolecular contact propensity observed in full-length NDDX4 (see Table 1 and Figure S5).

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興味深いことに、∼150 mg/mLまでのシミュレーション結果とNDDX4の集合物の実験的な濃度の比較は、MDシミュレーションで見られる一時的なクラスターはナノメートルスケールで現実のドロップレットの環境を再現していると示唆している。

Interestingly, the comparison of results from the simulations at ∼150 mg/mL with the distribution corresponding to the experimental concentration of NDDX4 condensates (∼380 mg/mL)(14) suggests that the transient clusters observed in MD trajectories may reasonably approximate in the nanometer scale the physicochemical environment of real droplets.

結果として、我々のシミュレーションにより、phase separationの起こる環境下で

As a consequence, we expect that our simulations allow probing how the amino acid sequence modulates collective intermolecular interactions in conditions that are relevant for phase separation.


Recent results have suggested that the demixing of phase-separating IDP is affected by the patterning of charged and aromatic residues in their sequence.(20,23)


While polypeptide simulations cannot directly capture sequence effects at this scale, they provide an efficient way to break up the problem and investigate how the various fragments and their homo- and heterotypic interactions contribute to the phase separation process.

次に、Frag1, Frag2, Frag1 + Frag3の個別の残基間の分子間のcontactの確率の平均に着目することで、配列依存性の相互作用についてより詳しく調査した。

We then investigated in more detail the sequence-dependent interactions by representing the average probability of intermolecular contacts between individual residues in the Frag1, Frag2, and Frag1 + Frag3 simulations (Figure 3).


The resulting contact maps suggest that despite their limited size, the peptides exhibit rather complex interaction patterns.


In the case of Frag1, the aromatic residues (F4 and F11) contribute the most to the intermolecular interactions and preferentially form Phe-Phe and Phe-Arg pairs (Figure 3A).

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Conversely, Frag2 interacts through distinct mechanisms involving both charged and aromatic residues (Figure 3B).

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Here, the Arg-Asn-Arg motif represents an intermolecular pivot as it can strongly interact both with the C-terminal phenylalanine (F11) and with acidic residues in the N-terminal part (E2, D3).


In the case of the Frag1 + Frag3 mixture, we focus on heterotypic contacts (Figure 3C) which are largely favored over homotypic interactions (Figures S6 and S7).

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当然だが、静電相互作用により駆動される逆の電荷を持つペプチドのcoacervationはFrag1ではアルギニン、Frag3ではグルタミン/アスパラギン酸の塩橋により安定化されるが、この場合でさえも、芳香族の残基が最も頻繁なcontactsに関わっていた。(Arg-Trp や Phe-Asn)

Not surprisingly, the electrostatic-driven coacervation of the oppositely charged peptides is stabilized by salt bridges between arginines in Frag1 and glutamate/aspartates in Frag3, although, even in this case, aromatic residues are involved in the most frequent contacts (Arg-Trp and Phe-Asn).



Overall, intermolecular interactions in all these diverse systems are dominated by two classes of inter-residue contacts: those between amino acids with aromatic and/or planar side chains and ionic pairing of oppositely charged residues (Figure S8).

この結果(picture)はフェニルアラニンをアラニンに置換した場合 FtoA またはアルギニンをリシンに置換した場合 RtoK のシミュレーション結果のどちらでも裏付けられた。

This picture is corroborated by additional simulations where either phenylalanines were replaced with alanines (FtoA mutant) or arginines with lysines (RtoK mutant).

局所的な密度の比較から、FtoAと RtoKの相互作用はWTよりも著しく弱いことが示唆された。

The comparison of local density distributions suggests that intermolecular interactions between FtoA and RtoK mutant fragments are significantly weaker to those observed in wild-type sequences with the exception of the Frag1 + Frag3 system, where electrostatic interactions are predominant (Figure 3D–F).

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計算上の変異導入結果は、FtoA および RtoKがphase separationを減少させることを示す実験と一致した。

The results of our computational mutagenesis are therefore consistent with the experiments(10,14) indicating a decreased phase separation propensity of NDDX4 upon FtoA and RtoK substitutions.


Furthermore, the analysis of the intermolecular residue–residue contacts helps deciphering the molecular determinants of this behavior.


In FtoA mutants, small-sized alanines cannot substitute for the larger phenylalanines that often play a key role in the intermolecular interaction network, as particularly evidenced by Frag1 simulations (Figure 3G–I and Figure S9A).

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The destabilizing effect of RtoK substitution can instead be explained by the favorable pairing of arginines with aromatic and/or planar residues, which is not preserved upon replacement with lysine (Figure 3J–L and Figure S9B).


Strikingly, in the heterogeneous environment at high concentration, this differential behavior may even result in an effective destabilization of salt bridges as observed for Frag2 and for the Frag1+Frag3 mixture.

芳香族の残基やアルギニンはcation−π 及び π–π相互作用を通してmembraneless organellesを形成するタンパク質のphase behaviorを調整すると仮定されてきた。

Aromatic residues and arginines are assumed to regulate the phase behavior of several MLO forming proteins through cation−π and π–π interactions.(17,21,58,59)

IDPによるLLPSの決定的な役割を果たすにもかかわらず、これらの部分が形成する相互作用の構造的理解は折り畳み構造の解析及びsingle- or two-chain MD simulation「だけ」から得られている。

Despite this critical role in driving LLPS of IDPs, our structural understanding of the interactions formed by these moieties derives exclusively from the analysis of folded structures(25,55,60) or from single- or two-chain MD simulations of protein fragments.(15,24,37)


We focused on the simulations of Frag1, which is rich in arginines and phenylalanines, to characterize these interactions in conditions that are more representative of the dynamical and complex environment of condensates.

最初に、フェニルアラニン-フェニルアラニンの結合を、「フェニル基グループのcentroid間の距離Dと、対応する平面の角度θの関数として」free energy surfaceを決定することにより調査した。

We first investigated Phe-Phe binding by determining the free energy surface as a function of the distance D between the centroids of the phenyl groups and the angle ϑ between the corresponding planes (Figure 4A).

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結果として得られた光景は思っていたよりも「浅く」、複数の自由エネルギー最小値をもち、それらは同じような深さで、stackedかT-shaped conformationのどちらかに対応している。

The resulting landscape is rather shallow and exhibits multiple free-energy minima with similar depth corresponding either to stacked (ϑ ∼ 0) and T-shaped (60 < ϑ < 90) conformations.


This heterogeneity has to be ascribed to the dynamical and crowded environment observed at high concentration.

2つの独立したフェニルアラニンのシミュレーションはstacked conformationに偏っていて、タンパク質の構造データベースによる分布と一致していることを確かめた。

Indeed, the simulation of two isolated phenylalanines resulted in a free energy surface biased toward stacked conformations (Figure S10), consistent with the distribution in the protein structure database.(55,60)

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次に、 Phe-ArgとArg-Argの結合様式を、guanidinium-phenyl と guanidinium-guanidinium groupsの距離及び角度をモニタリングし、free energy landscapesをdistance Dとthe mutual positions ϕの関数としてPhe-Phe, Phe-Arg, and Arg-Arg について表現するすることで解析した。

We then analyzed the Phe-Arg (Figure 4B) and Arg-Arg (Figure 4C) binding modes by monitoring the distance and the angle between guanidinium-phenyl and guanidinium-guanidinium groups, respectively, and evaluated the free energy landscapes as a function of the distance D and the mutual positions ϕ, as described by Marsili et al.(55) for Phe-Phe, Phe-Arg, and Arg-Arg pairs (Figure S11) .

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これらの条件全てについて、stacked conformationsはprotein structure databaseで以前に観察された構造的特性と一致して支配的であった。

In all these cases, stacked conformations were found to be largely dominant, in agreement with the conformational propensities previously observed in protein structure database.(55)

全体的に、これらの発見はこのforce fieldが実験で得られた芳香族、平面状、不飽和の側鎖間で形成される結合を(cation−π と π–π相互作用を表現するのに 分極、量子的効果を明示的に含めていないのに)再現していると示唆する。

Overall, these findings suggest that this force field effectively reproduces the experimental binding geometries between aromatic and/or planar, unsaturated side chains, even without explicitly including polarization and quantum effects to exhaustively describe cation−π and π–π interactions.

面白いことに、Phe-Phe と Arg-Argのfree energy surfacesでは中間状態において最小値がはっきりとせず、高次構造の存在を示唆している。

Interestingly, both Phe-Phe and Arg-Arg free energy surfaces exhibit less-pronounced minima at intermediate distances (D ∼ 0.75 nm) that are suggestive of higher-order structuring.


We thus analyzed our trajectories to probe the formation of clusters composed of multiple interacting phenyl and guanidinium groups.

Figure 4C(4Dの間違い?)では、このような集合体の集団を(二量体から6以上の要素から成る拡張された構造までArg と Pheを分けることで、)特徴付けている

We characterized the population of these assemblies by reporting in Figure 4C the partitioning of Arg and Phe in clusters of diverse sizes, ranging from dimers to extended structures involving more than six members.

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全体的に見て、Phe と Arg の側鎖の相当数(Arg ∼20%, Phe ∼30%)がより高次な相互作用に関わっているとわかった。

Overall, we found that a considerable fraction of Phe and Arg side chains (Arg ∼20%, Phe ∼30%) are involved in high-order interactions (n > 2).


The investigation of the three-dimensional arrangements of phenyl and guanidinium groups revealed a variety of interaction patterns in larger assemblies.

ここでは、解析を相当数(Arg ∼10%, Phe ∼16%),得られる三量体に限定して最も多い配置を描画した。

We limit here our analysis to trimeric clusters, which correspond to a considerable fraction of the overall population (Arg ∼10%, Phe ∼16%), and we depict some of their most representative arrangements (Figure 4D).

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それらの中では、複数の並行のstackingによるサンドイッチ様の構造が特に多く、 交互にArg-Phe-ArgまたはPhe-Arg-Pheのパターンを示した。

Among them, sandwich-like structures based on multiple parallel stacking (Figure 4D, top) are particularly common and most often display alternate Arg-Phe-Arg or Phe-Arg-Phe patterns.

さらに、T-shapede と並行の相互作用を組み合わせたhybrid structureもよく観察された。一方、triangular architecturesはあまり観察されなかった。Single- または two-chain atomistic simulationsはArg-Phe 及び Arg-Tyrの接点をFUS断片でうまく特徴付けたが、LLPSを特徴づけるであろう高次構造の相互作用の証拠は提供しなかった。

Furthermore, hybrid structures combining both T-shaped and parallel interactions (Figure 4D, middle) are frequently observed, whereas triangular architectures (Figure 4D, bottom) are less frequent. Single- and two-chain atomistic simulations were successfully used to characterize Arg-Phe and Arg-Tyr contacts in FUS fragments,(24) but they did not provide evidence for higher-order interactions, which likely represent a peculiar feature of condensed systems involving multiple polypeptides.


Remarkably, structural motifs based on multiple, alternate stacking of arginine and aromatic side chains have been shown to greatly contribute to the thermodynamic stability of protein folds and to be conserved by evolution although not particularly common in folded proteins.(61,62)


Our simulations indicate that dynamical interactions with similar and more complex patterns can frequently occur between IDPs at high concentration.

我々はこの様な複数の側鎖の相互作用が、統計的にアルギニン及び芳香族の残基に富んでいるscaffolding IDPs/IDRsの凝集を促進することによってmembraneless organelles( MLO)を形成するのに重要な役割を果たしていると仮説を立てる。

We hypothesize that these multiresidue interactions may play an important role in driving the formation of MLOs by promoting the condensation of the scaffolding IDPs/IDRs, which are statistically enriched in arginine and aromatic residues.

  1. Conclusions


Atomistic MD simulations are currently one of the most popular computational tools in structural biology and molecular biophysics.


Nevertheless, their application to investigate biomolecular phase separation has lagged behind even if this subject is attracting huge attention in an extremely broad community.

atomistic MD が前例のない高解像度のLLPSにおけるNDDX4の分子相互作用のcharacterizationを提供することがわかった。

Here, we showed that atomistic MD can provide an unprecedented, high-resolution characterization of the molecular interactions underlying the behavior of NDDX4 protein, which represents one of the best-characterized models for cellular LLPS.

大きいサイズのIDPのsingle-molecule simulationsと既存の実験結果の一致はlast-generation force fieldsがcomplex molecular systemsに対して正しいと再確認させる

The agreement between our single-molecule simulations of this large-sized IDP and available experimental results reassures us about the accuracy of last-generation force fields for these complex molecular systems.

さらに分割統治的な手法により現実的な計算量でprotein condensatesをmimickできることがわかった。

Furthermore, the proposed “divide-and-conquer” strategy allowed investigating intermolecular interactions in conditions mimicking protein condensates at an affordable computational cost.


Considering its generality, we are confident that the approach proposed here may be fruitfully extended to characterize other phase-separating IDPs for deciphering the molecular grammar of LLPS with atomistic resolution.

MDsimulationでappropriate enhanced sampling techniquesによってLLPSを予想できる様に成る様注力する。

Our future efforts will be devoted to pushing the predictive capabilities of atomistic MD in this context by appropriate enhanced sampling techniques to further approach the daunting molecular complexity of cellular LLPS.

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